Recent content by floatingbridge

  1. floatingbridge

    When is it time to move on from Myers-Briggs?

    I've been introduced the OCEAN model of personality, which takes a more spectrum-view of personality. Rather than MBTI which categorises people into more binary... black, white, states. The following article suggests the two theories can overlap...
  2. floatingbridge

    [INFJ] Helping people understand your personality

    "I feel different, but I'm not sure it's just me or if I am just imagining it"~ INFJ
  3. floatingbridge


    Unfortunately, I realise rarely never... Even when I go for walks or long train rides, I plug into music... Good thing there's so many ways to experience "being plugged in" these days
  4. floatingbridge

    [INFJ] Do INFJs hold often hold grudges when hurt badly or are they forgiving?

    Not only eliminated toxic people from life, I've learnt to actively whittle seeds of grudges. If I bumped into toxic people from my past, the anger would probably start to bubbly rise in me :( If justice is served, I am more inclined to forgive. . .
  5. floatingbridge

    thanks pintobean :)

    thanks pintobean :)
  6. floatingbridge

    Post your mood in music format
  7. floatingbridge

    Making Peace with Gossips

    If they exaggerated a semi-truth, tell them (and in front of all) exactly how they manipulated that truth and why they are doing so. Then, let the jury decide. But make sure you give them an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth first. At least try your best, and you'll sleep better at night :)
  8. floatingbridge

    Do you listen to people you don't like?

    Ah this questions has so many dissectible parts. Does listening equate to taking on the advice? Does liking someone conversely equate to also biasedly taking on their falsely given advice? Doesn't truth hold equal sides of the coin?
  9. floatingbridge

    Making Peace with Gossips

    Don't gossip (ever) - maintain your level of ethical respect. When gossip hits, frontstab (preferably short and sweet in front of as many people possible as timely as possible) - maintain your level of self esteem.
  10. floatingbridge

    2 Truths and a Lie Game

    Is #1 the lie? 1/ I refuse to have my fortune told. 2/ I've been gassed to sleep before. 3/ I've been caned as a child.
  11. floatingbridge

    What does the avatar above you make you want to do?

    Watch myself disappear into the wind