Recent content by Forgotten Rose

  1. Forgotten Rose

    Do infj's tend to be more religious?

    I definitely agree with the fact that INFJs tend to be more spiritual than most other people. I also happen to think it goes hand in hand with being among the most intuitive of all other people. As far as religious goes, it can be true, but that really mostly depends on how you were raised and...
  2. Forgotten Rose

    *waves back happily* Ello. =3 How ya doin'?

    *waves back happily* Ello. =3 How ya doin'?
  3. Forgotten Rose

    Physical Contact

    I guess I'm the oddball here. I actually don't mind hugs and... things of the sort. And I've actually hugged people I didn't know, and i didn't feel weird at all. It is indeed strange. But I do hate being in crowds or just around many people in general; it makes me nervous.
  4. Forgotten Rose

    Your depth of feeling... More of a blessing or a curse?

    Well, I always follow my emotions and feelings when I have to make some kind of decision, so I consider it a blessing... even if the outcome doesn't turn out good. I see it as a blessing because... I wouldn't be me if I didn't follow my feelings.
  5. Forgotten Rose

    What is the highest level of math you have taken?

    Yeah that's what I've heard about it. But I happen to loooove math, so I dunno if I'll like it better than inorganic or not. We shall see when the time comes. =3
  6. Forgotten Rose

    What is the highest level of math you have taken?

    That's cool. What university do you attend? I wish you the best of luck. =3 And I actually haven't taken Organic Chemistry yet, I will be taking it in the fall, so I don't yet know if I like it better than inorganic.
  7. Forgotten Rose

    What is the highest level of math you have taken?

    Yay another Chemistry lover! x3 I absolutely love it, I especially enjoy working in the labs. I want to TA for Inorganic Chemistry when I eventually get to grad school. =3 What kind of career are you looking to do with a chemistry degree? x3
  8. Forgotten Rose

    What is the highest level of math you have taken?

    I never really liked Geometry that much, I love Trig, Pre-calc, and Calculus II best. I happen to think Integrals are fun. I'm such a nerd, I know, haha.
  9. Forgotten Rose

    How do you feel about eye contact, glaring, and gazing?

    Oh I agree. Especially when I'm confronting someone about something. I absolutely fear looking into the other person's eyes and seeing their reactions.
  10. Forgotten Rose

    How do you feel about eye contact, glaring, and gazing?

    I'm the same way. If I'm in conversation with someone, I tend to have an intense gaze. Or so I've been told. And I think that the more intense the eye contact/gaze is, the more intense the conversation is.
  11. Forgotten Rose

    INFJish book I read..

    That actually sounds quite interesting. I shall check that out. =3
  12. Forgotten Rose

    What is the highest level of math you have taken?

    That's cool. What level of math do you teach? One of my choices when we were.. I guess you can say "career searching" back in high school was to be a math teacher. Math was always my all-time favorite subject next to chemistry. I would of wanted to teach Trigonometry or Pre-Calculus. =3
  13. Forgotten Rose


    Yup yup. My daydreams and my own world is so much greater than reality. I sometimes wish I can stay there forever.
  14. Forgotten Rose

    Which MBTI type are you drawn to?

    Oooh I remember taking this a few weeks ago. From what I remember, I got: Actualized Type: INFJ Preferred Type: INFJ Attraction Type: INFP