Recent content by frozen_water

  1. frozen_water

    Math help please

    but... there is no natural log of an exponent in that expression? e is just a normal number, like pi, except it's somewhere around 2.71. You shouldn't be messing with the natural log at all. In text, the natural log looks like ln([stuff]), not e^([stuff]) If you're getting a syntax error, my...
  2. frozen_water

    Math help please

    what kind of calculator? the order of operations is: 6*.62123 e^[answer of previous step] 500 * [answer of previous step] Google calculator gives you 20785 if you copy & paste search it, so I agree that that's the correct one.
  3. frozen_water

    Need some Computer advice, pwease ^^

    There's a site comparing the two at using the same hardware. In short it says that Macs are better in general performance cases, and slightly better in terms of startup/shutdown time, but Windows is better at 3D rendering and gives...
  4. frozen_water

    Need some Computer advice, pwease ^^

    While this may all be true, it also strikes me as something that would be really, really prone to psychological biases. I wish I could find a site with graphs that showed longevity of macs vs. PCs (and, if possible, with PCs broken up by different laptop brands. Since Windows doesn't license...
  5. frozen_water

    Need some Computer advice, pwease ^^

    Macs are expensive, for what they are. Very expensive. A friend of mine had to get a new laptop, and in the range she was looking a mac cost about 2x as much as a PC with comparable hardware. Like... $1600 vs. the PC's $800. If you get a mac you're definitely paying a lot for the name... at...
  6. frozen_water

    Man cleared of rape because he raped the wrong woman

    I also believe that. I remember hearing some of the details about the case where that lady sued McDonalds for enormous amounts of money after spilling their coffee on herself, which is the canonical "frivolous lawsuit" case people like to make fun of, but when I heard the whole story it...
  7. frozen_water

    Man cleared of rape because he raped the wrong woman

    ^^That was exactly what I was wondering. Don't these hotel doors have locks?
  8. frozen_water

    Please Help...Maths is hard.

    There's a more formal way to do it, although it's a little bit trickier to understand. The formula you're trying to show is that 1 + 2 + ... + n = n*(n+1)/2 So first you do something simple. Let n = 2. In that case, 1 + 2 = 3. The other half of the equation goes: n*(n+1)/2 2*(2+1)/2 6/2 3...
  9. frozen_water

    The Conservative Truth

    This is kind of cool...... by which I mean, not so much the post, but the things that I noticed while reading it. I wouldn't argue or disagree with any statement you made, each one taken individually. My best/only complaint would be with your denial that "preserve the conservative culture" is...
  10. frozen_water

    Why does Philosophy get wrapped up in emotion?

    What you're getting when someone shuts down, I would argue, is their attempt at a non-insulting/non-aggressive way to vent their anger. They're upset, but know it's not your fault, so they don't want to take it out on you, so they close up and try to avoid discussing it anymore I'm of the...
  11. frozen_water

    Fake Anti Viruses!!

    huh.... alright, sorry if that was bad advice, then. I've heard that viruses can copy themselves into places so that the system restore won't help, but in my experience (as well as the experiences of everyone I've known), it's only the most debilitating viruses (which cause your computer to...
  12. frozen_water

    Fake Anti Viruses!!

    Usually, using the windows "system restore" is your best bet for things like that.
  13. frozen_water

    Starcraft 2

    haha, I actually didn't. When I said I'd probably get it, I meant that I didn't want to spoil it, so I never watched it. I don't mind hearing that it's tacky, though, because (given the plot of the first one) it's pretty thoroughly unsurprising. Sorry to kill discussion and all.... but I...
  14. frozen_water

    Starcraft 2

    aarrrgghh..... so tempting! ...but if it were anything good, I would be really pissed off at myself for spoiling it. To be honest I think I'll still probably get the second one anyway. Even though I thought the plot sucked in the first one, I really did still find the missions to be a lot of...
  15. frozen_water

    brilliant series/ending XD... <3 it

    brilliant series/ending XD... <3 it