
Sometimes I'm not sure I'm a human being, because my thinking is so qualitatively different from others. I think in terms of analogy and symbols, and I'm very good at seeing patterns and connecting dots when there is dang few dots. I sing with the voices of the mountains, and paint with all the colors of the wind. I keep my real self pretty closed off from other people because I've been hurt so much in the past. I have developed really great personas that help me with my relationships and assist me in accomplishing the things I want. But it really does surprise me when others put my into boxes that really don't fit at all. :D

On a more superficial level, I'm romantic, nutty, earthy, sensitive, and kosher!!!!

I'm a shabbataholic. I breath music. I've just starting a new hobby of watercolor painting. I like chatting in religious rooms online. I've never been much of a cook--UNTIL LATELY: I'm now enjoying a period of cooking my meals from scratch so that I can have fresh foods, and finding that I love being a chef.
May 28, 1961 (Age: 63)
I was raised in a wonderful fundamentalist home, although I left fundamentalism as an adult. We were a working class family trying to make it in a middle class suburb. I have gone through a very long period of spiritual searching, and I've reached a sense of peace with where I am at. I'm now a Jew by choice, although I support those I know who attend churches and mosques and stuff. I'm active in interfaith relations, and co-chair the shabbat committee.
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
What would be your epitaph?
That OTHER individual
Marry and have a family-- accomplished.

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The flowers reaching for the sun are all uniquely blessed
But though each is special not a one is better than the rest
Bloom, bloom, may you know the wisdom only time breeds
There's room, bloom, and you'll grow to follow where your heart leads
Bloom and may you bring your flowers to the blessed bouquet
There's room, bloom, and one thing--
Your gifts are meant to give away.