Recent content by Hinsoog

  1. Hinsoog

    Hinsoog INFJ Thread

    Hey James, I appreciate your words, and I think I will follow your advice. Are you able to delete the thread? If not I can add better content later.
  2. Hinsoog

    Hinsoog INFJ Thread

    Edit: You can delete this if you will, and if not, I will add content when I have time later.
  3. Hinsoog

    Are you able to change your personality?

    No, people do not change. People who say that their personality fluctuates from this to that to this didn't know themselves to begin with. People grow, mature, and amass experience, but the core of what makes them themselves does not change. There is a popular trait construct in psychology...
  4. Hinsoog

    Your Last Meal...

    Yeah... Perhaps Death should be giving us a blowjob while we eat this...
  5. Hinsoog

    Your Last Meal...

    Pad Thai noodles prepared CRAZY spicey, perhaps with a bunch of saucy sushi on the side, and then sweet rice and custard for dessert!
  6. Hinsoog

    How do you deal with someone who likes you?

    I think I laughed for about six years from that! Oh god... I think everyone knows to appreciate this statement for its layers and layers of lulz... Hahahah! The proper course of action! Oh, and I will not encourage my usual way of dealing with this and will keep this short... It's so painful...
  7. Hinsoog

    Introverted guy, extroverted girl

    So first off, that confidence as an introvert is definately important to hold onto. Before I start going on too recklessly with this, let me just say that a lot of what makes people "complimentary" and then also to have that "spark" that may appear to be "conflict" has a lot to do with the...
  8. Hinsoog

    "I hate people." Why people say it/you say it?

    So I think think that this is a pretty good point, that many people will just sort of feel angry for what they will experience as a topical and fleeting reason, and that same fleeting anger sort of stops thought and then they either lash out impulsively or blurt out "I hate people!". It's maybe...
  9. Hinsoog

    "I hate people." Why people say it/you say it?

    So I appreciate you guys' thoughts quite a bit... And it just shows me that there is a great divide between us and what we percieve in people to feel almost sordid and moridly ugly... That is something I feel like I can take pride in, and not be weighed down by the careless ways of others... And...
  10. Hinsoog

    "I hate people." Why people say it/you say it?

    Yeah... Definately... So this is a good example that, ultimately we really don't often feel like we "relate" to them on some level when we witness a foul pattern, and that it is largely outward-facing. We see that people are filthy animals, and also recognize the divide that we represent to be...
  11. Hinsoog

    "I hate people." Why people say it/you say it?

    "I hate people!" It's something I hear all of the time from a wide variety of people, most of which are coworkers. I suspect that almost everyone can relate to it or have heard many people mutter it. I often search myself and them for exactly where the statement comes from. Obviously, on a...
  12. Hinsoog

    Hahahaha! Oh Jesus..... A man of my own brain-ilk. Mr. Holst is one the finest human beings on...

    Hahahaha! Oh Jesus..... A man of my own brain-ilk. Mr. Holst is one the finest human beings on this planet, and one of the funniest!
  13. Hinsoog

    INFJs who are or have been to College

    This is my experience. I find that more and more people will end up appreciating that you are weird if you can be generally gregarious about it. There's no reason not to feel comfortable in your own skin, even as some degree of headcase, if you can be open, gregarious, and at least mildly...
  14. Hinsoog

    I don't understand Fi

    I vote YES on this description! It's nice and relatable and POSSIBLE to understand... Thank you good sir! The Ten Commandments thing makes sense, and though my Fi is officially repulsed by that general direction, it still works. I think it's true that those handy with Fi are able to give those...
  15. Hinsoog

    I don't understand Fi

    EDIT: Important additions: I think that Fi is difficult to understand, especially as Fi users experience it... So I'm an INFP and dominant Fi, and there were things that I read about Fi that didn't make it instantly relatable, as, like I said, they don't seem to suggest the way that Fi users...