Recent content by hunnybee143

  1. hunnybee143

    PTSD and Shadow Functions won't let me message you because you're not following me and your profile is private lol
  2. hunnybee143

    What's the reason for non-INFJ's being part of this website?

    I imagine other types want to observe and learn more from our perspectives so that their understandings may be more true than not.
  3. hunnybee143

    PTSD and Shadow Functions

    Thank you!! What you described is very accurate and similar to my level of disintegtation, and the "shattered sense of self" is also very relevant to any basically /is/ ego-disintegration. And how you described finding yourself makes a lot of sense.. Currently I am in DBT...
  4. hunnybee143

    PTSD and Shadow Functions

    Thank you so much for this! What you said is very helpful... Learning to accept all, with no judgement will get me there. I admire your approach to being helpful to others, I think that's very wise.
  5. hunnybee143

    PTSD and Shadow Functions

    Are you replying yes in Spanish ?
  6. hunnybee143

    PTSD and Shadow Functions

    I want to ask about something I hardly notice gets talked about. (Question at the end, bear with me.) Not sure how many here are familiar with Shadow Functions, but the INFJ uses Si as the inferior "Demon" function, or the 8th function... When experiencing trauma/bad experiences, for the...
  7. hunnybee143

    [INFJ] Feedback from other INFJs, please.

    Do you often fear letting other people down, more than yourself? Despite having high expectations for yourself, do you tend to fear not meeting expectations of other people as well, in fear of disappointing them?
  8. hunnybee143

    [INFJ] Question about INFJ temperamental?

    I'm pretty sure that based on the order of functions that I am an INFJ especially pertaining to how I have always had insight into future events and people which I could rarely explain and would always astonish others.... However, I sometimes get confused and wonder if I'm actually an INFP, and...
  9. hunnybee143

    Question for INTJs

    There's no need for you to take offense to this. The reason that my question was VAGUE /is/ because you are all different. I didn't expect all answers to be the same, the purpose was so that I can understand different perspectives and perceptions. Of course I have heard of divorce. Coming from...
  10. hunnybee143

    Question for INTJs

    Does my post really come off that way? :/ I don't view INTJs as fact I've witnessed that their emotions can be just as deep and penetrating as that of the INFJ. You did help me have a more clear understanding though, that is what I was looking for, thank you. I just wanted some more...
  11. hunnybee143

    A Better World?

    Here I've written and believed in for as long as I can remember: What if I told you that there is no God? But, what if I told you that there IS God. Not that there is A God, but that there IS God, in the form of an Adjective, rather than a Noun. What if I said that we are all each pieces of...
  12. hunnybee143

    Astrology: Plutonion people

    Most definitely :) Your three planets in Scorpio make you immediately Plutonic already. You may not notice it as much because it comes more naturally to you just being Scorpionic. Though, the abuse and intense painful experiences more often than not (if someone with Scorpio planets cannot...
  13. hunnybee143

    Question for INTJs

    I appreciate that. I guess we were both speaking in general lol.
  14. hunnybee143

    Question for INTJs

    It really upsets me how so many people mistake the idea of having a partner who "completes" them. To me, such a thing is no where as literal as yin/yang, but more along the idea of our minds meeting each other while looking in different directions. Everyone is different, and everyone has limits...
  15. hunnybee143

    Question for INTJs

    Hey there, I'm sorry if you feel that I'm one of many blaming the other time instead of my own. That isn't the case at all. My lovely INTJ and I have a boundless romantic, rational and telepathic relationship and have gotten through many hurdles on both ends. However, this post was for me to...