Recent content by IndigoSensor

  1. IndigoSensor


  2. IndigoSensor

    np :)

    np :)
  3. IndigoSensor

    I'll miss you as well :hug:.

    I'll miss you as well :hug:.
  4. IndigoSensor

    Thank you muchly <3.

    Thank you muchly <3.
  5. IndigoSensor

    Oh quiet, I know! It's been bad since I was a small child. My brain just doesn't "get" grammar...

    Oh quiet, I know! It's been bad since I was a small child. My brain just doesn't "get" grammar. I had to be in special classes for it in elementry school. Admitidally though, half of my spelling errors are typos. All the words I know how to spell are rote to me, and it's very hard for me to...
  6. IndigoSensor

    And you're a scatterbrained disorganized mess! :tongue1:. Thanks, I really do apprechiate it. :)

    And you're a scatterbrained disorganized mess! :tongue1:. Thanks, I really do apprechiate it. :)
  7. IndigoSensor

    haha I figured as much :)

    haha I figured as much :)
  8. IndigoSensor

    ...those donation bars look REALLY tacky.

    ...those donation bars look REALLY tacky.
  9. IndigoSensor

    It is going well, I totally creamed the final I took a few hours ago :)

    It is going well, I totally creamed the final I took a few hours ago :)
  10. IndigoSensor

    Thankyou, I really do apprechiate it :hug:.

    Thankyou, I really do apprechiate it :hug:.
  11. IndigoSensor

    Thank you very very much arby :hug:. I'll send ya a PM with my contact bits.

    Thank you very very much arby :hug:. I'll send ya a PM with my contact bits.
  12. IndigoSensor

    Thank you :)

    Thank you :)
  13. IndigoSensor

    Thank you ria, truly :hug:.

    Thank you ria, truly :hug:.
  14. IndigoSensor

    Nah, I knew what you meant. It's simply time for me to move on :)

    Nah, I knew what you meant. It's simply time for me to move on :)
  15. IndigoSensor

    the adminning didn't ruin it. It really honestly didn't. What "ruined" it, was the combination...

    the adminning didn't ruin it. It really honestly didn't. What "ruined" it, was the combination of certain people, and the timing of all this. I'll miss you as well :)