My name's Phoenix, thats where I got the username from - I know, very creative...
Music - Listening to it, Learning it, Playing it, Singing it, Composing it, Preforming it, Sharing it and Feeling it.
The people close to me
Learning, some of my classes, Nutrition (oddly enough), Phycology, Sociology, Economics and Politics.
Longboarding, Biking, Hiking and even Sports like paintball (but for fun with friends only...)
Gaming - either for the story, the creativity (think Minecraft) or to enjoy others company.
- Birthday
January 3
- Biography
- Nothing really important yet.
- In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
- 6. A Computer
5. Books
4. Food and Water
3. An instrument
2. Freedom of thought
1. People
- What would be your epitaph?
- The good die young...
I lived to be 106.
- Enneagram
- Maybe 4 -Maybe not..
- Occupation
- To be a Musician (scratch that, a SUCCESSFUL music