Recent content by IrenaShav

  1. IrenaShav

    Impossible memories?

    The oldest one I think is when I was between 1 and 2 years old, I still hadn't learned how to walk...I remember lying on my stomach, when my mom picked me up, I remember hearing my sister crying, she was in the same room
  2. IrenaShav


    I find feminism very confusing. It has obviously accomplished many great things for women, and on the other hand I think that some feminist policies cause men to be treated unfairly, as described in the article below...
  3. IrenaShav

    In Which Position Do You Sleep?

    What is your usual sleeping position?
  4. IrenaShav

    Do You Look Younger Or Older Than Your Age?

    Do you look your real age/younger/older?
  5. IrenaShav

    Changes in you or your personality over the years?

    I'm more introverted than before, more aware of my inner feelings, more confident about expressing myself. The level of my eccentricity seems to grow constantly. Also before I used to score as INFJ on MBTI tests, and now I score as INFP.
  6. IrenaShav

    How do you walk?

    I have a natural pace when I'm walking alone, pretty much always the same, neither slow or fast. I move when someone behind me is walking fast and doesn't have enough space to pass beside me. Chin is always up. Where I live people are very inconsiderate about walking, especially younger people...
  7. IrenaShav

    Feminism and it's impact on today's society

    I agree with you that it's great how women now have many options that they didn't have before. On the other hand it has somehow raised society's expectations on women, and now a "successful woman" should be an excellent worker, housewife and mother, which is almost impossible. Not enough time...
  8. IrenaShav

    Feminism and it's impact on today's society

    Well post some pictures that you like (memes etc.), if you find some that describe your opinion on the subject well enough.
  9. IrenaShav

    Feminism and it's impact on today's society

    I agree with you. I think that "feminism" has made women in general less feminine than before, but I believe that men naturally still prefer feminine women over less feminine ones. I believe that a lot of women who display dominant "masculine" behavior and lack of femininity are not naturally...
  10. IrenaShav

    Feminism and it's impact on today's society

    I was hoping for a lively discussion with both rational arguments and expressing feelings, with some pictures here and there. If you want to call that trolling, that's fine, you are entitled to think what you want. Anyway, isn't trolling about deliberately trying to offend someone? I wasn't...
  11. IrenaShav

    Feminism and it's impact on today's society

    I chose them because of their physical appearance to show how much popularization of some aspects of feminism has affected men and women's physical appearance over time. I wasn't relating to the characters or their stories.
  12. IrenaShav

    Feminism and it's impact on today's society

    I am interested not only in what people think about feminism, but also about how they feel about it. Emotional response is more based on someone's feelings, and rational response on thoughts. For example for now I found that some women here don't have a developed critical view about feminism but...
  13. IrenaShav

    Feminism and it's impact on today's society

    No, I said that I wanted people to engage some emotions into discussion :)) That can mean trolling if you decide to interpret it that way, but it doesn't necessarily mean trolling and that's not what I meant. Besides I don't think anyone here was trolling, at least I didn't notice it.
  14. IrenaShav

    Feminism and it's impact on today's society

    My personal opinion is that a healthy, confident woman would not endure things like her boyfriend/husband commanding her around all the time just to feel in control. But if it's about something like letting a man make final decisions about important decisions concerning their life together, and...