Recent content by j e s s i e

  1. j e s s i e

    What's unique about your heart?

    Your Heart is Wild You tend to fall in and out of love quite often. Love tends to be a capricious thing for you. You are passionate and...
  2. j e s s i e

    "i really wish you get better and that you start skateboarding on rainbows again :)" Lmaoooo...

    "i really wish you get better and that you start skateboarding on rainbows again :)" Lmaoooo awwwww, that sounds lovely. Thank you for your good wishes, my dear. <3
  3. j e s s i e

    Saying "I love you"

    I am quite emotionally distant from my parents and outside family so it's very rare that I say "I love you" to them. I do love them, but I've never expressed it much in the past, so saying it now just seems awkward and forced. If I want to show love I'll show it through my actions. I say it...
  4. j e s s i e

    What Are Your Needs in a Relationship?

    My needs are not so much physical as they are emotional. I need constant emotional reassurance that my crazy powerful emotions are returned, and overall stability in a relationship. Ultimately, I need to feel cared about, whether it is through words, actions or touch.
  5. j e s s i e

    How does love feel?

    I've been in love twice. When I love someone, I'd do anything to make them happy, to see them smile. I want to be by their side always, and whenever I see them I get the warmest feeling of completion inside, like there's nothing in the world I'd rather do than just simply be in their presence or...
  6. j e s s i e

    INFJ going crazy

    INFP. I'm cray cray on a regular basis, but when I actually snap and have a complete mental breakdown it's a nightmare to both my sanity and those around me. Usually I'll cry, scream, lash out at anyone who speaks to me. Self-harm, smoke a lot, drink when I can get my hands on some alcohol. If...
  7. j e s s i e

    Amy Winehouse found dead The 27 Club has a new member. RIP, Amy.
  8. j e s s i e

    Noticed anything today?

    A grasshopper on the side of my ashtray right as I was about to snuff one. I tried to poke it away with my parasol but it hissed and hopped on it instead. D: Ffffffffuuu-
  9. j e s s i e

    I am doing as well as I am able to at the moment. Thanks for asking. I hope you are doing well, too.

    I am doing as well as I am able to at the moment. Thanks for asking. I hope you are doing well, too.
  10. j e s s i e

    Screamo music

    I don't know if what I listen to qualifies as "screamo" but I do enjoy metalcore and alternative rock with the same sound. Sort of like this:
  11. j e s s i e

    Thanks and love right back at you. :hug: I had a wonderful birthday celebration.

    Thanks and love right back at you. :hug: I had a wonderful birthday celebration.
  12. j e s s i e

    Who do you write like?

    Every tumblr blog post or forum post I paste in gives me a different result. So far I've gotten Cory Doctorow, Charles Dickens, Dan Brown, and Stephen King...
  13. j e s s i e

    What parts of childhood innocence have you retained?

    The ability to trust a stranger blindly and faithfully, and the innate belief that that everyone I meet is a good person unless proven horribly otherwise. I'm honest just as well, or at least that's what I've been told. That I don't do anything unless I believe in it, and that I'm open to...
  14. j e s s i e

    ;__________; this is just what i needed to wake up to. thanks so much bb. <3

    ;__________; this is just what i needed to wake up to. thanks so much bb. <3
  15. j e s s i e
