Recent content by j75ejcyj7

  1. J

    Responding to Conflict

    Thank you for sharing, it helps me to see different situations:) I'm glad I'm not alone!
  2. J

    Responding to Conflict

    I really appreciate that - thank you!
  3. J

    Just kidding. I'm an INFP. Whoops!

    Just kidding. I'm an INFP. Whoops!
  4. J

    Responding to Conflict

    I had a very strong feeling I wrote this in that way. It was too difficult to edit it on my phone, so I left it. I'm sorry, were you telling a joke? I lost my sense of humor when I was 3.
  5. J

    Responding to Conflict

    These responses have given me new perspectives! Thank you:) I'm happy that this psychological tool exists. Cheers!
  6. J

    Responding to Conflict

    I found out that I'm actually an INFP! My life makes a lot more sense now!
  7. J

    Freezing Up

    Well put. Thank you for your input. I have practiced a few times today and it went positively. :)
  8. J

    Responding to Conflict

    This speaks to my problem a lot. I forget about the discipline aspect of changing these things. It's so comfortable to live in my old patterns. Thank you!
  9. J

    Responding to Conflict

    There's two sides of the coin. On one hand, I want to engage in conflict to feel. On the other hand, I can't stand it. I know that living in the middle of conflict with my home life for 21 years has impacted the way I interact with people, so my ambivalence makes sense. I hate it, but...
  10. J

    Responding to Conflict

    These are my behaviors exactly. It's a very tricky situation.
  11. J

    Responding to Conflict

    Hmmm...that makes me think. I feel eager when I get into arguments - something in me is craving more information. I like to see the patterns they have, I like to feel them out fully. I always learn from conflict. Conflict is one of the essential ways that things change shape. I'm always...
  12. J

    How easy is it to ask for what you want?

    That makes sense for people I don't know well. I should be less transparent with them, but the people this pattern comes up with are people are usually care about, so if I want to be as transparent as possible. It's hurtful when I am honest with most people though, so I see what you're saying...
  13. J

    The Burnout Cycle of INFJ's

    THIS struck a cord with me big time!
  14. J

    How easy is it to ask for what you want?

    Can you elaborate?
  15. J

    Responding to Conflict

    Does anyone else make conflict worse? I can't accept with people are upset with me or think I'm wrong, I will fight them tooth and nail to try to convince them that they are wrong. It doesn't matter if I agree with what I'm saying or not. I just refuse to accept that they think negatively of...