Recent content by JME

  1. J

    I love looking into my INFJ's eyes...

    I love looking into my INFJ's eyes... Even just when it's flashes of it for a half second, it's like we're actually looking inside each other. I've never experienced anything like it. It's great for a second, or I could do it all day long. Is this a normal thing with you INFJs when you're in...
  2. J

    No more Miss. Nice (beware ranty)

    You can spot these people everywhere. Many of them never smile, and most look 45 when they turn 30. Don't become one of them.
  3. J

    What are signs that an INFJ girl wants to be more than friends?

    Actually, I was saying little nibbles of things that taste bad aren't usually a big deal. It's like sticking your foot in the water before jumping in. Sure, your foot might get a little wet and cold, but with your method, you waste a lot of time and energy looking for, using, and waiting on...
  4. J

    Facebook Change

    The main change I noticed is that when you comment on images or videos, they don't show up on your profile page. (same with everyone's profile page you look at.) So, I used to see someone's comment along with a smaller version of the image they commented on. I could decide if I found it...
  5. J

    What are signs that an INFJ girl wants to be more than friends?

    Don't you mean you've only ever pursued girls that you were absolutely 100% certain were interested? Judging by your words, I suspect you've overlooked some. Maybe some really good ones. I'm personally not sure I'd call any failed attempt a rejection. Kinda like when you're trying out a new...
  6. J

    What are signs that an INFJ girl wants to be more than friends?

    darkstar was right about this. She sounds into you, and it sounds like you're determined to blow it. There's no reason, strategic or otherwise, to not ask her what's going on with her boyfriend. Not knowing if she has a boyfriend was your reason for not making a move. Asking her that hardly...
  7. J

    What are the causes of sexual attraction?

    My gf has a pretty good job, makes decent money, and I like that about her. It shows she has herself together. I think she likes the same thing about me. So... it's not that she needs or wants to be taken care of with money, but doing well in that manner can send out other signals or be...
  8. J

    Songs that are of an INFJ nature

    I never watched that video with the interest I did just now. Interesting, and thanks.
  9. J

    Complex situations: A Humble Request for INFJ aid

    Pretty much, the exact same thing happened to me around 23. I moved, got my life together, kept some sparse contact with old friends, and went on to do the things I wanted to do. Girl #3... I'd probably hit it before I left, and leave her with a good impression. Whether she really meant what...
  10. J

    I didn't think it would hurt like this still.

    I don't see where you were talking about her... so this is a guess here... and this is my T making itself known I think. But why not own it? It sounds like you feel some hurt, but it also sounds like you feel some regret for a lost opportunity. Will you be prepared if the opportunity...
  11. J

    What should I get an INFJ girl for Valentine's Day?

    Yep, it worked great. I'm going to feel a lot more comfortable building that shrine now. :D
  12. J

    What should I get an INFJ girl for Valentine's Day?

    I think I owe you guys a status update... She loved the trip (which I expected.) She loves the big crazy card I made (Thank you everyone!!! That was a little scary for me to make, but I just loved the look on her face.) She loves me (woohoo!!!)
  13. J

    How do you feel about eye contact, glaring, and gazing?

    If I remember correctly, the consensus in the INTJ forum was that maintaining eye contact during a normal conversation was either draining or distracting. Several people said they wouldn't remember what was said if they were looking straight into the eyes, so they'd look around the face. And...
  14. J

    How do you feel about eye contact, glaring, and gazing?

    There were some interesting threads on conversational eye contact over at the intj forum. I couldn't find any here. How do you INFJs feel about eye contact? In conversation? With lovers? It seems that INTJs are known for having the ability for intense stares and glares and gazes. I've...
  15. J

    Is it possible to be both INFJ and INTJ?

    I think I'm an INTJ with a well developed/balanced F. I fit most INTJ descriptions, but I can be very empathetic (involuntarily) and prefer to be affectionate. I also haven't always been that way. It developed over time. I was very unempathetic when I was younger, and thought I had plenty of...