Recent content by Jnd42611

  1. Jnd42611

    So much to say but only 140 characters allowed. I shall spell & count all the characters in the...

    So much to say but only 140 characters allowed. I shall spell & count all the characters in the thoughts of this head until it comes to end!
  2. Jnd42611

    Should be sleeping but .......

    Should be sleeping but .......
  3. Jnd42611

    i need to feel like 1 person could share the feelings i share in reality, when its just not a...

    i need to feel like 1 person could share the feelings i share in reality, when its just not a possibility :( theres always ice cream!
  4. Jnd42611

    Do you feel less or more attractive with age?

    i feel more attractive now that i understand the true elements of what beauty really is. when we are you we are fixated on our physical attributes overlooking the person within or ignoring thoughts because we are busy looking at excuse my bluntness size of our boobs or behinds. but to actually...
  5. Jnd42611

    What struggles do you face when trying to get to know someone?

    10/10 I will not start a conversation, and usually someone will initiate by asking where I get my hair done or about my purse and I immediately tense up trying to figure out where I got something and say it was a gift and run away. unless I am having a craving for people I stay home. But on...
  6. Jnd42611

    Why the he'll did i wake up at 4 am???

    Why the he'll did i wake up at 4 am???
  7. Jnd42611

    It's 10pm and I'm home doing laundry and drinking a margarita..sounds good to me and fresh...

    It's 10pm and I'm home doing laundry and drinking a margarita..sounds good to me and fresh laundry smells even better ahh gain scent!
  8. Jnd42611

    Male Behavior Regarding Women.

    I think a lot of times the type of woman can also play a factor. For instance if a married woman puts herself out there like a single women she will approached and played with and sent back to her sad home life. A married woman who does not put herself out there attracts men, but men know that...
  9. Jnd42611

    [PAX] "Men Need Sex"

    All of the sudden I feel like I should put on a skanky leather outfit and chain up my hubby and and say "listen you little bitch I want this, give it to me now!!!!" Lol could you imagine? I bet he'd be so shocked and so turned on I wouldn't get any kind of sex because he would explode before I...
  10. Jnd42611

    If I had a 1$ for each time someone said "I should have listened to you" I'd go to Starbucks and...

    If I had a 1$ for each time someone said "I should have listened to you" I'd go to Starbucks and get a salted caramel Frappuccino.
  11. Jnd42611

    I sense some sarcasm coming from lack of sleep. For those who apposed me today, I'm sorry but I...

    I sense some sarcasm coming from lack of sleep. For those who apposed me today, I'm sorry but I told you so
  12. Jnd42611

    [INFJ] I hurt an INFJ very bad

    First thing, I think I speak for all personality types, to start off any kind of relationship, you cannot base it off any lie. I always try and put something positive with something negative to help people better understand things. But honesty respect and trust a must with all. So your a...
  13. Jnd42611

    Finding my head & heart at odds, usually I follow my head to the fullest and I'm never wrong...

    Finding my head & heart at odds, usually I follow my head to the fullest and I'm never wrong. But my heart says it will die if my head wins
  14. Jnd42611

    I just felt bad because my daughter is such a sweet kid and this lady was in her face pointing...

    I just felt bad because my daughter is such a sweet kid and this lady was in her face pointing at her and almost had her in tears and I couldn't take it. She was so happy when I got the lady off her back she was like mom where did that come from? I just said I don't like confrontation but when...
  15. Jnd42611

    I put a lady in her place for trying to say something to my daughter today. I may be quiet, mess...

    I put a lady in her place for trying to say something to my daughter today. I may be quiet, mess with my kid that's something you don't do!