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  • Hi Juliette! How funny, I just remembered you this morning. Welcome back! :m057:

    Ooh, those wings are very pretty! :) Mine are blue-green, just like my font, lol.
    Thanks for the add! :D Looks like we have lots in common..
    basing on your About Me section! Oh, and enjoy your stay here! :m032:
    Yeah...it's quite easy to lose our way sometimes. But you're found now!! :)
    Oooh... Fairy Forest sounds 'shining, shimmering, splendid'... :mf: Can one be a visitor fairy?
    I'd probably spend the whole day resting in trees, haha. Which kind of wings and color do you have? :)
    Most of the time, they get lost because of being too engaged in the ways of the world.
    But these souls always find their way back home to the Garden. :) Yes, it's beautiful indeed.
    The Fairy Forest also sounds amazing. I would love to hear about it as well. :)
    Sure, no prob! :)
    The garden of souls is a place where those
    who lost their way can find redemption. :)
    Thanks for the add! :) I'm good, and how are you?
    You need an account upgrade for full customization. :)
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