Recent content by KazeCraven

  1. KazeCraven

    Let's make this place better

    Good, you may in fact be a few steps ahead of me then. I can see this forum probably could do with more direction and focus, but I was commenting more on that there is no next until you change your plan to accommodate those people who have different aspirations and investments in this forum...
  2. KazeCraven

    Let's make this place better

    *shrugs* I never really considered this to be a place for getting at "the truth." I remember the first time I came here that someone advised me not to look into the typology section pretty much for that reason. From my understanding, many people come here after having read some type...
  3. KazeCraven

    Define "being in love" . . .

    I would call it a positive obsession with the essence of a person, if I had to define it to someone that could never feel it. It's an emotional investment of the upmost priority, with a feeling that one's self is partly, if not mostly, wound up in another person. But it's not quite an...
  4. KazeCraven

    You are not alone... about what? I am unsure. The past self part? Not being able to stay...

    You are not alone... about what? I am unsure. The past self part? Not being able to stay close to people who make you who you don't want to be anymore?
  5. KazeCraven

    Is this a safe space for intelligent conversation?

    I didn't see "ignore" as a suggestion. If you notice a member is consistently sapping the energy of your threads, you can add that person to your ignore list. Also, good point on the [PAX]. People who are here to horse around should stay away from such threads.
  6. KazeCraven

    That's fine. Acknowledgment is enough.

    That's fine. Acknowledgment is enough.
  7. KazeCraven

    Looking forward to hearing back from you. I might have sounded closed to feedback, but I'm not...

    Looking forward to hearing back from you. I might have sounded closed to feedback, but I'm not; I'm just aware that I spend more time than I'd like to on typology.
  8. KazeCraven

    [PAX] What form(s) of psychic phenomena do you believe exist?

    Medical Intuition sounds dangerous. For the rest, I'd say that aside from being very perceptive and sensitive to tell-tale signs, psychic phenomena doesn't exist.
  9. KazeCraven

    Glad to be of use. If you have any additional questions I'd be happy to point you in the right...

    Glad to be of use. If you have any additional questions I'd be happy to point you in the right direction.
  10. KazeCraven

    J vs P differences

    He is referring to the extraverted irrational types (Se-dominant and Ne-dominant).
  11. KazeCraven

    intuitive comunication style

    I would say any people who know each other well can read something like a 'raised eyebrow.' History is more important for understanding I think. And culture and similarity of expression. I would say that intuitive communication is really just more inclined to hit on the intangibles of life...
  12. KazeCraven

    J vs P differences

    The main note is probably what Jung meant by rational, so I'll give a description from 'Fe' to give you an idea: Also, the following is in reference to Fi and Ti: Also, here's something that might give you an idea of what he means by 'Fi': So, essentially Jung is saying that Feeling is...
  13. KazeCraven

    J vs P differences

    Rational Introverts: Ti and Fi dominants Irrational Introverts: Ni and Si dominants You can read more about it here: Hopefully that will clear things up. But it's long, so basically rational simply refers to the fact that T and F are making...
  14. KazeCraven

    J vs P differences

    Well, she did, but Jung already had rationality/irrationality. This is what causes the "J/P flip-flop" going from MBTI to Socionics (and yes, the flip-flop doesn't quite cover the issue). When putting them into a stuctural based format, Meyers had to make a call regarding how things fit...
  15. KazeCraven

    J vs P differences

    Yeah, but I'd think you'd agree that most, if not all, misinterpreted Jung. Not that that makes them necessarily wrong, but it's just different.