Recent content by Keirouen

  1. Keirouen

    I got it all wrong though. We ended up on the topic and I felt brave enough to admit I like her...

    I got it all wrong though. We ended up on the topic and I felt brave enough to admit I like her and ask her directly if she could only see me as a platonic friend or as more. She said she sees me as a sister XD ...I died a little inside. It's like I prepared myself for that response but I was...
  2. Keirouen

    There's a French girl who I've been friends with for several months. This is what I wrote to...

    There's a French girl who I've been friends with for several months. This is what I wrote to Clare about it a week ago: "We've spend time together already. I met her mom. We went out to Europa Park and experienced the scariest roller coasters together. I even got her to go on the one she's...
  3. Keirouen

    But yeah girl, I feel pretty directionless being stuck here where the greatest joy in life is...

    But yeah girl, I feel pretty directionless being stuck here where the greatest joy in life is tourism. It's funny. A high school friend from 9th grade, he saved up $4,000 working hard for a year just to go to Munich for two weeks for October Fest... a big dream of his. And I'm here in Germany...
  4. Keirouen

    You are so sweet! -SUPER EPIC HUG- There's a lot of stuff going on in my life. That's how...

    You are so sweet! -SUPER EPIC HUG- There's a lot of stuff going on in my life. That's how it's always feeling. I should talk about the army side too. It's a confusing mess. They want to kick me out for being terrible at running and to try to fix the problem they make me run twice a day...
  5. Keirouen

    And now as I'm writing this I keep having the realization that my life is just too crazy at this...

    And now as I'm writing this I keep having the realization that my life is just too crazy at this point in time. With the military I'm at an impasse. In Ukraine my cousin's life has gone from being quite nice. He worked as a lawyer in Kiev. But with the way things are, he didn't get payed for his...
  6. Keirouen

    We were in a group of 5 friends, but it ended up being her and me glued to each other. She's so...

    We were in a group of 5 friends, but it ended up being her and me glued to each other. She's so sweet... on the way home we were in the back of the of the car. She leaned her head against my shoulder and fell asleep for the entire ride. We had lot's of crazy adventures that day. For example we...
  7. Keirouen

    Mmm I miss talking to you as well as this forum. In a way I'm being gravitated back to the infj...

    Mmm I miss talking to you as well as this forum. In a way I'm being gravitated back to the infj. I got back in touch with my favorite infj back home in Texas, Clare. She's my first and best close infj friend... the most adorable girl imaginable. I started liking infjs so much because of her...
  8. Keirouen

    How Do You View the Outside World?

    My emotions a mystery? Certainly to others... actually my emotions are really simple and it gets unnecessarily complicated whenever I or the people in my life deny either my/their own emotions or the opposite party's. My emotions are only simple when truth is flowing in both directions ;)
  9. Keirouen

    How Do You View the Outside World?

    My emotions a mystery? Certainly to others... actually my emotions are really simple and it gets unnecessarily complicated whenever I or the people in my life deny either my/their own emotions or the opposite party's. My emotions are only simple when truth is flowing in both directions ;)
  10. Keirouen

    How have others consistently described you?

    Strong willed, weird, different, extraterrestrial, pervy XD, intellectual, cold, warm, sociable, antisocial, rude, polite, nice, pushy, irritable, patient, assertive, reserved, beautiful, attractive, stubborn, creative, DIY, no fun, amusing, cute, awkward I confuse myself too >_<
  11. Keirouen

    Communities and networks

    Community is better on every level. Online and offline. Reciprocation makes for a healthy psyche. Our minds and bodies crave feedback from each other. With community there's more levels of interaction. Both the potential of reciprocation and the minimal amount of it is high. It's very human...
  12. Keirouen

    Long term relationships: Do you tone your traits up or down?

    Oh this is so depressing. I can't even answer this question >_< Though from the many relationships I've seen develop then fall apart over a period of 3+ years, I'd say partners meet somewhere down the middle and compromise in a (hopefully) equal way. Other times one gives up entirely too much...
  13. Keirouen

    Personal Secrets

    Yeah. I spill stuff about myself to people I'm close to. Sometimes I hold back. Example, with someone who likes me I try not to talk to much about someone else who may like me. It's too tempting sometimes. Particularly when I'm not interested! Also at work I particularly hold back personal...
  14. Keirouen

    How Much Of A Flirt Are You?

    I don't think flirting has to necessarily indicate sexual interest. Enjoying someone's quirks and personality is enough of a reason to flirt. It's a very nice social state of psychological flow. Real flirting is effortless. It happens naturally. -Do you flirt with friends, family, and even...
  15. Keirouen

    Who Are You Looking For?

    Definitely on this planet. Perhaps there's more than one. Not necessarily in the same city or country. All it takes is for your paths to cross in just the right way~