Recent content by Ketsugi

  1. Ketsugi

    You're such a sweet person! My day was good, how was yours?

    You're such a sweet person! My day was good, how was yours?
  2. Ketsugi

    Happy bday to you! Happy bday to you! Happy bday dear Midnight! Happy bday toooo yooooooou! :D

    Happy bday to you! Happy bday to you! Happy bday dear Midnight! Happy bday toooo yooooooou! :D
  3. Ketsugi

    I can't dance

    I can salsa, but that's about it.
  4. Ketsugi

    Name Analysis

    The name of ???? has given you the desire for creative, artistic or musical expression in an original way. You strive to be different and have the self-confidence to implement your ideas because you have the perseverance necessary to see something through, despite obstacles. Although you meet...
  5. Ketsugi

    Personal philosophy

    These are truly words to live by.
  6. Ketsugi

    Thanks for the rep. The image of the INFJ guardian angel seems to rule my life. It would be...

    Thanks for the rep. The image of the INFJ guardian angel seems to rule my life. It would be nice to have a guardian angel for myself, you know? *hugs*
  7. Ketsugi

    INFJ and a calming effect?

    This has been bothering me for awhile and making me very depressed so I want to just say it here: Everyone always wants me to save them, but when will someone save me?
  8. Ketsugi

    INFJ and a calming effect?

    I often have needy people clinging to me because of my calming effect. Everyone I become friends with tells me they are in love with me. I'm not arrogant enough to think I am irresistible or anything like that... they all say the same thing; that I make them feel calm and accepted. I get the...
  9. Ketsugi

    Student Tax Credit

    It will go to whomever claims you as a dependent.
  10. Ketsugi

    Student Tax Credit

    There was talk sometime ago about a tax credit for college students next year. Has anything come out of this?
  11. Ketsugi

    Well now we can't defend our position, but I agree with you 100%, not only as a woman, but as a...

    Well now we can't defend our position, but I agree with you 100%, not only as a woman, but as a human being. He completely made it clear that he was looking for this type of woman, on page 4 or something... *sigh*
  12. Ketsugi

    What is it like to be you?

    There are always too many thoughts going round in my brain. I am always concerned with what needs to be done, What I should do better next time, What does it all mean, What do I need to prioritize in my life, and just pondering about life in general. I am always asking questions. I struggle...
  13. Ketsugi

    On "Putting Yourself Out There"

    It just means that if you want to meet people, you have to go to a place where there are people, and actually interact with said people. I don't read anything else into it.
  14. Ketsugi

    97% of High School Students Fail Basic Test

    You have to have compulsory courses. Every student must show sufficient understanding in each area. It is not really about knowing facts and being bookish, though that helps create a well-rounded knowledge. Each subject builds on different ways of thinking. People in the USA complain that...
  15. Ketsugi

    97% of High School Students Fail Basic Test

    You're right, mf, it's our parents and schools that make people lazy here. I'll tell ya, mf, I went to a fancy public school in white surburban America...clearly no funding issues, but many curriculum issues. However, the schools in the inner city are failing miserably. We need to increase...