Recent content by Koba

  1. K

    Good animes or manga

    That wasn't my thing but it still looks to be worth watching.
  2. K

    The strangely accurate personality Test

    Gah, just when I decided to be infp. INFJ You scored 61Introversion, 83 iNtuitiveness, 57 Feelingnessand 75 Judgingness!
  3. K

    Least favourite personality type?

    How can you possibly dislike the isfp? They have their selfish moments but for the most part the ones I've known have been very inspiring people.
  4. K

    Good animes or manga

    Yes, but no one likes them. Here's one I thought was great: Here's something if you don't like supernatural elements in your stories: Here's something if you're totally fruity...
  5. K

    Which Type Do You Get Along With the Least?

    But they're so friendly and enthusiastic.
  6. K

    How NOT to Break Up or Don't Jump to Conclusions

    I could see wanting to have a couple weeks to myself. Edit: I dunno, it's just that I've definitely written something when I was upset and then realized that it wasn't something I should have said. I can understand wanting to take that back.
  7. K

    Is it being creepy?

    Am I not supposed to listen to someone who's right next to me? Occasionally I'll even interject and go back to what I'm doing.
  8. K

    Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize

    Al Gore deserved it more than Obama, not to say he really deserved it. I was going through the list of people who got it though and I guess this makes as much sense as any of them. Edit: Still freaks me out though.
  9. K

    How NOT to Break Up or Don't Jump to Conclusions

    The funny thing is that in this situation, I wouldn't have read the other emails after seeing the "read this first." >_> Guess I'm gullible.
  10. K

    Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize

    Why does this web page even exist?
  11. K

    Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize

    Hey, it turns out I agree with the taliban: "We have seen no change in his strategy for peace. He has done nothing for peace in Afghanistan. We condemn the award of the Nobel Peace Prize for Obama. "When Obama was...
  12. K

    Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize

    This stuff is seriously starting to freak me out. The mountain thing was bad enough.
  13. K

    ENFP or ENFJ

    from what I've read nfps are less likely to feel a need to commit to one type
  14. K

    Which Type Do You Get Along With the Least?

    Context makes a big difference.
  15. K

    I'm not sure what to make of this

    Something similar used to happen to me, but I figured out that there is a difference between that and this, besides the the fact that I am less likely to run into somoene. In that situation, they call me by name. This person did not. In all likelihood she doesn't know my name, although she...