Recent content by kucala

  1. kucala

    Haha, I'd say thanks, but I didn't write it. I found it on tumblr and found it all too relateable.

    Haha, I'd say thanks, but I didn't write it. I found it on tumblr and found it all too relateable.
  2. kucala

    I don't own her, but I ride her. I'm an exercise rider for the local RDA, and she's my assigned...

    I don't own her, but I ride her. I'm an exercise rider for the local RDA, and she's my assigned pony. I love her to pieces. :3
  3. kucala

    Thank you :3

    Thank you :3
  4. kucala

    Oooh, I see. Well, she's right that you can't rely on other people to make you happy. You can be...

    Oooh, I see. Well, she's right that you can't rely on other people to make you happy. You can be happy with them, but that's not the same. I'd try to use her making you happy to help make you happy even when you're not with her...if that makes sense.
  5. kucala

    Hmm. What reasons would those be? I think if you're happy and healthy, and not harming anyone...

    Hmm. What reasons would those be? I think if you're happy and healthy, and not harming anyone, then you're all good. But...yeah, I dunno.
  6. kucala

    That's lovely to hear, and it makes me very happy. <3

    That's lovely to hear, and it makes me very happy. <3
  7. kucala

    Can Men and Women Be 'Just Friends'?

    Definitely. I have male and female friends, and I'm queer. There is usually no sexual tension. >.>
  8. kucala

    Hii! Ah, okee, fair enough. I don't share your beliefs but I respect them. C: I'm aware. ><;

    Hii! Ah, okee, fair enough. I don't share your beliefs but I respect them. C: I'm aware. ><;
  9. kucala

    Yeah, exactly. :3

    Yeah, exactly. :3
  10. kucala

    I absolutely loved it. It's an easy read, but it's so emotionally investing and lovely. What...

    I absolutely loved it. It's an easy read, but it's so emotionally investing and lovely. What about you?
  11. kucala

    Awwe, thank you. C: That's onea the nicest compliments I've had about my eyes, actually.

    Awwe, thank you. C: That's onea the nicest compliments I've had about my eyes, actually.
  12. kucala

    HELL YEAH. WE'RE REBELS, RISKING OUT LIVES, YO. Doesn't matter to me, whichever you prefer. ^^;

    HELL YEAH. WE'RE REBELS, RISKING OUT LIVES, YO. Doesn't matter to me, whichever you prefer. ^^;
  13. kucala

    Because we feel like it and caps lock is cruise control for cool?

    Because we feel like it and caps lock is cruise control for cool?
  14. kucala

    FUCK YEAH. >8D -brofistbump-

    FUCK YEAH. >8D -brofistbump-