I like cats.
Besides being INFJ, I have avoidant personality disorder. I'm probably an HSP as well, from the online test.
I'm very sensitive, and have periods of great self-loathing, especially induced by others. Not that it's because others are being particularly unreasonable.
Most other people who have tried typing me have thought I was an NT. My weakest preference is F, so I might come across as cold, but I really do think I am an INFJ.
Philosophy, Anthropology, Psychology, Myth
- Biography
- I was born. I am alive.
- In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
- 1. air (an NT answer, I suppose)
2. water (another NT answer?)
3. the love and acceptance of others
4. music
5. philosophy
6. cats
(Yes, I can do without food.)
- What would be your epitaph?
- Nobody worth remembering
- Enneagram
- 4
- Occupation
- I'm in a career doldrum, right now...in an incipie