Recent content by littlexxghost

  1. littlexxghost

    To Sorority or Not?

    I agree with the others at some level, but I love your message! I might take the opportunity to join one for the learning experience. I do like to come out of my shell to see what I am capable of.
  2. littlexxghost

    To Sorority or Not?

    I have an interest in joining a sorority but I dont know if its for pure curiosity or how well my friends have talked about them. A part of me feels like it would be draining, but I want to look like I accomplished something other than just getting good grades in my undergrad. Plus I won't know...
  3. littlexxghost


    @Hoodie I'll definitely check it out!
  4. littlexxghost


    @Hoodie I completely agree.
  5. littlexxghost


    TBH, you nailed it. I didn't take too much offense to it at first but when you pointed all this stuff out, it is pretty shitty. Compared to my INFP friend and brother , I do feel more immoral and more like an asshole but it doesn't mean we are immoral or selfish assholes. Also, I over read the...
  6. littlexxghost


    ( From what I understand INFP's are more selfless, but here's my wack at it) I feel like deep inside we do care more about others. I do have "selfish" and "immoral" urges and thoughts, but 9/10 I do , or try to do, whats best for everyone else.10/10 I would rather have everyone else's needs met...
  7. littlexxghost


    Why do you say? lol
  8. littlexxghost


    I've been thinking on whether I am an INFJ or an INFJ so I meandered on the web and found this helpful article. After reading it I am sure I am an INFJ. Does anyone find it accurate or is another internet hoax?
  9. littlexxghost

    Daily schedules and INFJs

    To- do lists and agendas are God's gift to man.
  10. littlexxghost

    Are you self taught?

    I wish. I need the structure and guidance otherwise my anxiety will just go wild.
  11. littlexxghost

    A Life Without Dating

    After opening up almost completely and not feeling 100% supported, I have decided that relationships are too painful and too stressful. Maybe it'll change sometime, and I hope it does sometime, but I'm very happy being single and focusing on myself.
  12. littlexxghost


    I'm looking into it. That or being a LCSW. I'm still not getting a clear answer though. So I might just become a school counselor until then.
  13. littlexxghost

    Confused about INFJ (Newbie)

    I have taken numerous Myers Briggs tests and I'm always getting the INFJ personality but with a chance at being an INFP, just to clarify. So on tumblr I am reading infj posts and I relate to the whole caring for the people around me and literally putting myself second for everyone but I'm also...
  14. littlexxghost

    In bloom

    In bloom