Recent content by Lollypopsurfer

  1. L

    MBTI interview

    Yeah, that's why I made this thread, because I started an intro topic, and sat there thinking of what to say and then I was like "what do people want to know?" and so I made this and I thought it might be fun. By the way, the monkeys are freaky. :bowl:
  2. L

    MBTI interview

    Okay, I did all that, but I was hoping people would want to make this fun, but I guess not. :mmph:
  3. L

    MBTI interview

    It's less intimidating than the intp one?
  4. L

    MBTI interview

    Hmm...more often A but sometimes C. :bump2:
  5. L

    MBTI interview

    What do you mean by "trash the local town"?
  6. L

    MBTI interview

    I have heard INFJs like to interview/interrogate people and help them figure out themselves. I have taken several online personality tests, including that okcupid one someone posted on here. But I'm not going to post those results because I don't want to bias anybody. So ask me questions...