Recent content by Lonewalker

  1. Lonewalker

    Where are you?

    I know your in there!
  2. Lonewalker

    Do you consider yourself to be a complex person?

    I try to avoid being complex. Keep things as simple as I can so I am easily understood. ugh ugh mmm num yum.
  3. Lonewalker

    Class poll on prejudice

    A scary poll.
  4. Lonewalker

    Where are you?

    I am getting a massage and the massuse has a pair of huge..I mean HUGE.. feels so good.
  5. Lonewalker


    Yep. It is that time of year we loners dread most... Christmas work parties.... ::wail::
  6. Lonewalker

    How much time do you spend on the internet each day?

    Used to be over 16 hours of active online time outside of work. Now 3 to 5... See Mom, I'm getting better.... ::reminds himself he should be vaccuming:: :m080:
  7. Lonewalker


    I can and do play the hermit as much as possible. While I know and am friendly with many and value their friendship It does drain me to be out with more than 4. parties are the worst, the background chatter at times is to much.
  8. Lonewalker

    French Kissing

    been almost a year. did ya'll stop kissing? When I was sixteen I was kissed by a girl and It felt as though she was trying to engulf my face!.. I do like kissing though.. My wife says she loves my kisses so I gladly bestow them on her everyday. :mp:
  9. Lonewalker

    And how about a mirror?

    My wife will take a test soon, though I am fairly certain she is an INFJ. We have been together for 17 years, married 14. We argue next to never, value each others space and alone time. We take time each day to talk and see how each others day has been. We say 'I love you', everyday, many times...
  10. Lonewalker

    Do you make sense?

    I am thankful for knowing now that I am an INFJ. Now I understand a bit more why most do not 'get us' We are under 3% of the population. I have felt less fear expressing my thoughts here in the last few days than ever in my life. Here, I am comfortable knowing I will be understood by most. Even...
  11. Lonewalker

    INFJs and feelings of being alone, different, disconnected or lost

    Very true. Though I am not sure if I am more able to accept it better or just don't really care much anymore if I belong or not. Simply put... I am here in the now and that is all that matters. Looking back has to many hurts, looking forward to many fears. I have just a couple long term goals...
  12. Lonewalker

    Talking in Group Conversations

    I would rather sit on a red ant hill than be in a group converstion. :m080: Lonewalker
  13. Lonewalker

    Get Sorted Into Your Hogwarts House

    Ravenclaw for me.
  14. Lonewalker

    The 4 immeasurables

    Thank you! I enjoyed that very much. :m023: Lonewalker