Recent content by LostInTheForest

  1. LostInTheForest

    +1 WORD to an absurd story

  2. LostInTheForest

    New Energy Research 06

    Thanks for posting this...I'm glad I clicked on this instead of the news! So much of that is familiar, except the last half that concerns what we can do collectively. Often over the years I've wondered where do we go from here? How do we come from a place of conflict to lasting peace when...
  3. LostInTheForest

    [INFJ] Apollo AGC Restoration

    I saw this awhile ago as well. I know Fran Blanche has done some work with DSKY displays. Certainly old tech and quite obsolete, but interesting nonetheless.
  4. LostInTheForest

    what can you tell from someone's eyes?

    I'm wondering if anyone else does this; Say you are walking towards someone..they are a fair distance away and you make eye contact. This is someone you might know, but not a close friend or anything like that. I will make eye contact and smile or something, but as they get closer, say close...
  5. LostInTheForest

    If you could start over, would you?

    I'm not convinced that starting over this life would result in anything wildly different than where I'm at now in this current timeline. I can think of a few things I could have done differently, but those were relatively small things and it's hard to imagine those changes amounting to much. So...
  6. LostInTheForest

    +1 WORD to an absurd story

  7. LostInTheForest

    +1 WORD to an absurd story

  8. LostInTheForest

    Make Up A Band Name

    Rice cake and Whitey ( Blues ) Yeti Cowboys ( Country ) Sprockets ( Ver vee dance !)
  9. LostInTheForest

    Movies You cried during

    The one that gets me every time is Contact, at the end when the character Jodie plays is trying to make a case for what she experienced and nobody believes her. There are lots of movies really...tons.