Recent content by Lsjnzy13

  1. Lsjnzy13

    This Test Will Reveal Your Biggest Flaw

    You got: Fear of commitment Committing to something just demands so much time and energy, why would you want to deal with that? Think of it less as a fear of a commitment, and more as a willingness to keep your options open. You never know what other opportunities might come along. This...
  2. Lsjnzy13

    Psychology: Is it a science?

    We're currently studying psychology in science class... So yeah I'm sure it's a science
  3. Lsjnzy13

    Do you listen to people you don't like?

    It depends on why I don't like them. If they severely crossed my values then no, I won't listen to them
  4. Lsjnzy13

    What does your birth date mean?

    You're dominant and powerful. You always need to be in charge. While others respect your competence, you can be a bit of a dictator. Hard working and serious, you never let yourself down. You are exact and accurate - and you expect others to be the same way. WHAT???? I feel like that is...
  5. Lsjnzy13

    The Brutally Honest Personality Test

    I'm gonna force my INTJ friend to do this test XD Anyway my resultL Pollyanna So, you want to make the world a better place? Too bad it's never gonna happen. Of all the types, you have to be one of the hardest to find fault in. You have a selfless and caring nature. You're a good...
  6. Lsjnzy13

    What Hunger Games character are you?

  7. Lsjnzy13

    INFJ or INFP Test

    77% INFP; 23% INFJ I guess it's safe to say that I'm a perceiver
  8. Lsjnzy13

    New personalty test based on Enneagram

    Now I'm really confused... every time I do the test I'm always either type 2, 4 or 9. Do I have like a split personality or something?
  9. Lsjnzy13

    Parenting Style Test

    53 - Perfect Parent syndrome
  10. Lsjnzy13

    What asian country should you visit?

    I should travel to China. Didn't specify which part of China, since each city has a completely different culture to the next. But I would love to go there again (I'm Chinese)
  11. Lsjnzy13

    What Harry Potter character are you?

    Great... I got Dolores Umbridge, only because for the movie I picked Mean Girls!!! I HATE UMBRIDGE
  12. Lsjnzy13

    What Zodiac Sign should you be?

    I should be a cancer... Cancer does seem to suit me WAY better than Capricorn. Anyway aren't Capricorns ISTJ???
  13. Lsjnzy13

    Which New Doctor Who character are you?

  14. Lsjnzy13

    What are the mbti of well known youtubers?

    How would you type some of these well known YouTubers? - iiSuperwomanii (Lilly Singh) - PewDiePie - Benny and Rafi Fine (The Fine Bros) - Danisnotonfire - AmazingPhil - Tyler Oakley - Caspar Lee - Jack and Finn Harries (JacksGap) feel free to add others. I'm not the best at typing...
  15. Lsjnzy13

    What types are your siblings?

    My younger sister is ESTP. She hates being the only thinker in the family. Mum: ESFJ Stepdad:ESFP