
I'm an INFJ who strongly matches the type description, in a relationship with a wonderful, albeit maladjusted, INTP. Although I don't know my mother's type, my father's type is INTJ and definitely had an impact on me; I understand NT types well and I have picked up some of the logical, rational way of thinking INTJs and INTPs have. I'm a skeptic, which is rather unusual for the INFJ type but definitely benefits me since it balances my type's tendency to feel everything out and go on faith. My type is also further complicated by my neurology- I'm borderline autistic- and my upbringing, which was somewhat abusive, giving me lasting neuroses I'm only beginning to work on. True to my type, I'm very loyal and passionate about my closest friends, and my life revolves around my partner, to whom I fully embody the Counselor archetype, and my desire to help others, which I generally try to do through involvement with charities. Like all other INFJs, I seek to understand others, but unlike the vast majority, I have learned to reduce the amount of initial assumptions I make to almost 0, which is both a blessing and a curse. When I first meet someone I have no preconceptions, which is great, but I also am paralyzed by an inability to predict them until I get to know them better, since I refuse to make even the simplest or most basic of assumptions about them. I don't generalize from my knowledge about one person to another person; I take each person individually. It is perhaps because of this trait that I am paralyzed by social phobia.

I study langauges- currently Japanese (intermediate level) and French (beginner level), and speak Esperanto fluently. I also am very involved in creative pursuits, such as writing (novels and poetry), singing, dance, drawing, sewing, and knitting. I enjoy being involved in fandom, mostly for anime series and fantasy novels, and I like foreign literature. I also am an avid birder and generally love nature and animals, and read extensively about the natural sciences. Due to my type I have a natural tendency towards the social sciences, although I am usually frustrated by the inherent prejudices and biases that I see rampant in modern social sciences, from which subjects are chosen for experiments right down to the way the experiments are structured.
I have too many dreams I can't possibly pursue, bu