Recent content by LucyJr

  1. LucyJr

    Autism is mere Introversion to a extreme?

    It was probably just a funny question that come up to me due to some ideas.
  2. LucyJr

    Speaking "from behind" anyone?

    Interesting. Have you thought that maybe you are a Aspie, like it has been suggested in this thread?
  3. LucyJr

    Speaking "from behind" anyone?

    Ok, so if I understood correctly, what you are saying is that this type of behaviour is specific to autistic and schizoprenic people?
  4. LucyJr

    Autism is mere Introversion to a extreme?

    I know and worked with autistic children. what has amazed me is that they are pretty normal children outside of social interactions. Their brain work just fine, with the exception of human interactions, when they treat the person in front of them like a piece of wood. Moreover, there is that...
  5. LucyJr

    Autism is mere Introversion to a extreme?

    I wasn't super excited about the thread.. A error appeared when I created the thread named "Invalid response" within a blank page. So I thought the site was unable to create the the thread, and I tried again and again, right until to see in the home area that I actualy created 3 threads. As...
  6. LucyJr

    Speaking "from behind" anyone?

    I call speaking from behind when a person is speaking but not fully sincere, but from a "back" psychological place, to observe and watch the reactions of people in real time. Anyone can recognise what I'm describing? I've been noticing this is true especialy for INFJs. Usualy people speaking...
  7. LucyJr

    Autism is mere Introversion to a extreme?

    true or not? What do you think? Autistic persons have a world of their own, being unable to fully comprehend and connect with the real world. Could this be due to a exagerated introversion
  8. LucyJr

    Autism is mere Introversion to a extreme?

    true or not? What do you think? Autistic persons have a world of their own, being unable to fully comprehend and connect with the real world. Could this be due to a exagerated introversion
  9. LucyJr

    Autism is mere Introversion to a extreme?

    true or not? What do you think? Autistic persons have a world of their own, being unable to fully comprehend and connect with the real world. Could this be due to a exagerated introversion?
  10. LucyJr

    The Greatest Story Never Told: Adolf Hitler

    Nope. Look at some pictures of him. His whole look and vibes gives the impression of dreaminess, a "dreamy look", his movements are melancholic and depressive in many videos with him, he had a "saturnine" walk, heavy and without "life", depressive and lost in thoughts. Also when he talks in his...
  11. LucyJr

    The Greatest Story Never Told: Adolf Hitler

    Hitler was a dreamer, a INFJ, a loner, a idealist idiot, a never broken stuborn head-strong man. This is what happens when the parents don't check the inclinations of a child, don't take care of him, this is how a idiot is born and lives and nobody brokes his stupid pride and confidence in...
  12. LucyJr

    The Greatest Story Never Told: Adolf Hitler

    And in very this quote he shows his stupidty. Had he be more wise, he would compare himself with others and he would observe how stupid he was. But this kind of unshakeable obstinacy and ambition agev him the abnormal ambition to drag a world in misery.
  13. LucyJr

    Do you think President Obama is also an INFJ? Or ?

    Obama is a very typical ISFJ, the Se subtype. He has that leader charisma about him, that ISFJs have. Its the force of Fi in him Se-ed.
  14. LucyJr

    ENFP or INFJ?

    I don't trust in ENFJs also, or at least the most I've met. ENFJs are unnecessary complicated, in my opinion. I would trust in Oprah if I would be friend with her in real life, because she has a good character, and she is a ENFJ. People are different, irregardless of type.
  15. LucyJr

    ENFP or INFJ?

    I think he is a INFJ. Or he might be a shy ENFP, as there are many of those. But then, one way you could discern what type is he is that althought very similar (INFJ and ENFPs are mirror types), socialy they are very different. They are both secondary feelers, but Fe is more moody (even in...