Recent content by Lumi Spitsbergen

  1. Lumi Spitsbergen


    Exactly, it's an awesome show =) Getting old now, but still a classic.
  2. Lumi Spitsbergen

    Give the Member Above you a Title

    Reon, pithy for a point: watch for blood.
  3. Lumi Spitsbergen

    Change One Word

    He ignored an impulse, releasing the cabbages from the lava.
  4. Lumi Spitsbergen

    Do INFJs like cats?

    I think that cats are universal. I am an ENTP, and I ADORE cats. Dogs... are awesome, when they are someone else's pet. But I will always love cats.
  5. Lumi Spitsbergen

    I absolutely LOVE disappointed turtle... and am so ashamed of myself XP

    I absolutely LOVE disappointed turtle... and am so ashamed of myself XP
  6. Lumi Spitsbergen

    Give the Member Above you a Title

    corndogman: death from within
  7. Lumi Spitsbergen

    Guilty about being single

    No, I never feel guilty for being single. But, then again, I'm pretty young at 21. I am right now at the same age my mother was when she married my dad, who she started dating when she was 19. Not everyone gets to meet their soul-mate that young, and even then if there's anything my mother ever...
  8. Lumi Spitsbergen

    So glad to know at least someone else likes Monty Python outside of the Holy Grail. =D Also...

    So glad to know at least someone else likes Monty Python outside of the Holy Grail. =D Also thanks for the rep.
  9. Lumi Spitsbergen

    No - I'm sorry. It's old, but I just looked over my rep. comments, Sparticus. =p

    No - I'm sorry. It's old, but I just looked over my rep. comments, Sparticus. =p
  10. Lumi Spitsbergen

    XD That made me laugh out loud (literally). Thanks for the rep, the warning, and for putting a...

    XD That made me laugh out loud (literally). Thanks for the rep, the warning, and for putting a smile on my face.
  11. Lumi Spitsbergen

    You have convinced me - I have seen the errors of my ways. You may be sure to be cast into the...

    You have convinced me - I have seen the errors of my ways. You may be sure to be cast into the lowest dungeon possible =D
  12. Lumi Spitsbergen

    Things that make me glad I live in a Christian Country.

    NO ONE EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!!! .... sorry, I could't resist. On a more serious note, people have said some fairly inflammatory things here. I's true that when people of any religion chooses to ignore reason and human compassion - what you get is just one big mess. However, I'm not...
  13. Lumi Spitsbergen

    How to trap an INFJ.

    Pierce, it is clear that your mind is a font of wisdom in matters of courting. Tell me, oh wise one, what I should do for valentine's day. :m024:
  14. Lumi Spitsbergen

    A Glimpse into your "self"

    How would you describe yourself in one word or phrase? In one word? Crazy. In one phrase..... I am uncommon subtype of my kind. What would you consider to be the most attractive aspect of your personality and why? Probably an open nature towards others combined with an actual interest in...
  15. Lumi Spitsbergen


    It's tricky. Ideally I wouldn't want it. But especially when you are young and in school looking for a job, it's hard to turn down. Nepotism at its "best" is something more like training wheels to help get someone started or moving school/career wise. But I could never let myself rely on it for...