Recent content by Maverick

  1. M

    I am not very adept at this forum. Just wanted to let you know I answered your question in the...

    I am not very adept at this forum. Just wanted to let you know I answered your question in the ESTJ thread regarding % of ESTJs.
  2. M


    Sorry, klutzo, I don't get on often. The way to calculate is do a "rolled yield" which means you would multiply each factor. So, .75*.75*.5*.5=.140625 or 14.1%. For an explanation:
  3. M

    So i'm asking this girl out...

    What Jack said. Of course it is against our instincts...
  4. M

    Awkward or smooth?

    I'm quite smooth with those I have no interest in...quite the opposite when I am interested. I am fantastic at making friends. Pathetic at advancing beyond that.
  5. M

    Well, I don't post often. I find that others usually post all my thoughts and I have little to add!

    Well, I don't post often. I find that others usually post all my thoughts and I have little to add!
  6. M

    Thanks for friending me! Now I have two friends! :-)

    Thanks for friending me! Now I have two friends! :-)
  7. M

    She suddenly wants to be "just friends"

    CMRain nailed it. This same thing happened to me at your age. It happens to me now. I prefer not to hop in the sack. I like to get to know them first. However, once you become friends it is very hard to cross the barrier to something more. She will regret it if she doesn't exhibit some patience...
  8. M

    What is your blood type?

    AB+ I know everyone was waiting to hear that. ;-)
  9. M

    INFJ males who are you attracted too?

    So, are there any personal ad sites that include type? I think there might have been one that went out of business. Anyone know?
  10. M

    INFJ males who are you attracted too?

    For me, INFJs...hard to find though.
  11. M

    infjs in sports and competition

    I am a very tenacious sports participant. Very aggressive on the field which is contrary to my off the field persona.
  12. M

    Going out and meeting people

    Thanks Ketsugi! That looks like a great site to investigate!
  13. M

    Pretty good so far! I'm about to head down to the pool to relax a bit. How has your weekend been?

    Pretty good so far! I'm about to head down to the pool to relax a bit. How has your weekend been?
  14. M

    Thanks RM! You just made my day!

    Thanks RM! You just made my day!
  15. M

    Comparing yourself to ENFJs

    I am much more consistent in balancing going out vs. recharge. I can't imagine going out in big groups several nights in a row. After a night out and having to be "on" or at least trying to be, I usually crave a recharge night. For me though, recharge doesn't mean seclusion. One on one time...