Recent content by Melkor

  1. Melkor

    The Sun Is the Most Perfect Naturally-Occurring Sphere in the Universe

    Not counting the spheres I'm rotating, dissecting and tesselating in my mind! ^____^
  2. Melkor

    Noticed anything today?

    Uhm. I noticed that if I nock the arrow in the alternative starting position (that is with the bow angled towards the ground) that despite what logic and gravity would dictate, it's actually easier to get the arrow nocked with the few fingers the hand guard allows you to use. Also that three...
  3. Melkor

    INFJs in Business or Entrepreneurship

    Hrm. I can imagine INFJ's as the hopefuls in the corner flower shop or the hippies with the small family run super-eco business. But not as part of a huge business machine, I simply don't think they'd enjoy it. :o
  4. Melkor

    Marrying young

    Hahah, yeah but where I come from people get married because their girlfriend is pregnant and their family are 'good christians'. -____-
  5. Melkor

    Eh... More hassle than it's worth. You? Not angry? What, did you have a lobotomy or something...

    Eh... More hassle than it's worth. You? Not angry? What, did you have a lobotomy or something? 0-0 I'm alright. Nearly falling asleep at this keyboard but I need to get up and go to Archery soon. *Yawwwwn*
  6. Melkor

    The lack of famous INFJs: demographics or misrepresentation?

    Yeah it's probably a combination of the rarity of the INFJ (I mean, we have like three actual INFJ's on this forum) and the general reluctance they have to put themselves on pedestals. Of the INFJ's I've know in person, they can really communicate with people quite well and have intriguing...
  7. Melkor

    does anybody take medication for anxiety?

    No. I just drink.
  8. Melkor

    Marrying young

    I don't know. These days it seems that if you marry earlier and have children earlier, you have a greater chance of divorcing and/or going on to be stuck in a economically average or below avergae situation for life. I've noticed that in the families of people I know where the parents are...
  9. Melkor

    Shut it.

    Shut it.
  10. Melkor

    INFJs in Business or Entrepreneurship

    Neither are Nuclear weapons, but both are inherently bad for a large proportion of people.
  11. Melkor

    Stalking me again? You just can't get enough! XO

    Stalking me again? You just can't get enough! XO
  12. Melkor

    Fag! :D

    Fag! :D
  13. Melkor

    [INFJ] Too much Inquiring..... need more inspiring!

    Yeah.. But apparently you can shoot sarcasm right over their shiny heads. XD
  14. Melkor

    [INFJ] Too much Inquiring..... need more inspiring!

    That's nice!! Could you please!! stop!! abusing the exclamation marks!!??