Recent content by moonlight

  1. M

    VIVID Dreams...

    I had a dream of clowns, water, bridge, and a mother and father in law. Next day, my hubby and his car pool partner saw a truck load of clowns coming up an on ramp on a freeway.
  2. M


    I get those from time to times (not referring to raises). I can talk to my surroundings and it'll tell me what it wants. eg. I was working out what to do with my stairway as far as wainscotting goes. I ended up walking down my stairs, slowing down, and thinking/saying... okay.. what do you...
  3. M

    What Chess Piece Are You?

    The Rook's Hawk Congrats! Only 12-16% of the population score this!The Rook’s Hawk is like a judge. They have a great sense of right and wrong especially in their area of interest or responsibility. They are devoted to duty. They are punctual. People who set their clocks on others are typically...
  4. M

    What kind of Christian are you?

    a Liberal Christian You scored 33 out of 45 on proximity to orthodoxy! You are theologically orthodox but more socially liberal, at least in the ways that you imagine Jesus would have been. You believe in spreading the gospel but not in bashing other people to do it. Your beliefs are...
  5. M

    The Aura Colors Test

    My primary is Indigo: Indigo is the most recent aura color to arrive on the planet. Indigos are ushering in a new energy, a new consciousness, and a new age of peace and harmony. Whereas Violets feel driven to help save the planet, to educate the masses, and to improve life here, Indigos are...
  6. M

    The strangely accurate personality Test

    Krikey! I consider myself a centrist in politics... looks like I'm a centrist here too. I first tested as an INFJ on the MB test. Then a computer programming test similar to MB tested me for INTJ. I can't say this test was always that accurate. There were some questions where I was looking for...
  7. M

    horriblescopes and INFJs

    I had a friend who was money grubbing, isolated.. and an ENFJ
  8. M

    horriblescopes and INFJs

    A profile on my horriblescope fitted me to a T. Also fits INFJ's. Was wondering if others found their horriblescopes matched their Briggs evals.
  9. M


    I think I feel so much about others that I hold myself back intimately. I don't like getting intimate with most people around me now (my ma, my grandma, and my kids are the exception). I don't even like getting intimate with my hubby. It's hard... you know things, you sense things, and you can't...
  10. M

    What Motivates You as an INFJ?

    Achieving balance and making progress... seeing results.
  11. M

    Dismissing others

    I dismiss others when I've quickly gone through what they're saying in their heads and I feel I'm right. Which means I'm dismissing my husband.... a lot. :D
  12. M

    How do you know you're INFJ?

    Just consider yourself to be a well rounded individual. :D INFJ's fit me. I did one for computer programmers the other day and came out an INTJ. Looking at that and INFJ.. I think I'm mostly INFJ.... with some T in me. One site had INFJ career as listed one way with no mention on IT. The...
  13. M

    Trouble Sleeping?

    Re: Sleep? I prefer to go to bed between 19:30 and 11 and sleep until 6:30 AM. I like to get stuff done in my day. If I don't go to sleep early enough... I feel nauseous.
  14. M

    What do you do when you are scared?

    Depends on the situation. I think in some way... I try and fight back if I can. eg. If I'm alone at night, hubby on a trip, I leave the tv on for company. ;)
  15. M

    Do INFJ's somehow appear to be cold?

    :lol: Zoning. Ya it's not something I like my own hubby intruding on. Really annoys me when he does that. When I zone, I'm listening for info from the universe or working something out in my head... trying to see the picture as it were.