Recent content by MrPeters

  1. M

    In my chase, taking a step back meant to really test the realism in the vision by sharing it...

    In my chase, taking a step back meant to really test the realism in the vision by sharing it with people close to me. This forced me to apply judgment on the vision and test all the possible outcomes, not just the ideal ones, and in doing this testing what I felt for the more realistic...
  2. M

    Hi! I

    Hi! I
  3. M

    Ah shit my thoughts are so disturbed by my vision of the future and feelings of this "future". I...

    Ah shit my thoughts are so disturbed by my vision of the future and feelings of this "future". I used to think like you that work will always be work and it wont be something that you enjoy, and now i have started to think that it is possible to have a job that i would enjoy. It would be a whole...
  4. M


  5. M

    I wrote a post to adymus about this issue. It sums up my ideas pretty well since i spended some...

    I wrote a post to adymus about this issue. It sums up my ideas pretty well since i spended some time on writing it. I would appreciate it very much if you would take the time to comment on it too. So here it goes: My future vision of myself before reading about MBTI was that I was going to...
  6. M

    You are very wise. Hey I have a question for you. The whole yesterday i spended on thinking...

    You are very wise. Hey I have a question for you. The whole yesterday i spended on thinking about where im going right now and one of my conclusions was that i probably wont enjoy working with macro economics. I think i will have to find a career that i would feel more for and where i would...
  7. M

    ---------- Observation and research of married couples shows that there is a definite trend in...

    ---------- Observation and research of married couples shows that there is a definite trend in types that are attracted to each other, and in type combinations that have the longest lasting relationships. ---------- They claim to have some statistics to back it up but they cannot possibly have...
  8. M

    Well maybe an ISFJ is the right type for you. The more i think of it i get this feeling that the...

    Well maybe an ISFJ is the right type for you. The more i think of it i get this feeling that the one writing all the personality type descriptions and who fits with who, probably dont like INFJs all that much. I think that person just wants to fuck with our heads and wish that we would crash and...
  9. M

    I complained a bit about my ISFJ girlfriend in my intro tread but she really stunned me today...

    I complained a bit about my ISFJ girlfriend in my intro tread but she really stunned me today and made me realize why i love her. She might not be easy to discuss theories and such because she want a more "hands on" explanation and she might get a bit grumpy when i make a mess at home, and it...
  10. M

    I have been thinking in similar patterns. The ENFPs i

    I have been thinking in similar patterns. The ENFPs i
  11. M

    Do you like to share some of the thoughts you have on life?

    Do you like to share some of the thoughts you have on life?
  12. M

    hehe just like me. Is it MBTI theory that keeps your mind busy?

    hehe just like me. Is it MBTI theory that keeps your mind busy?
  13. M

    Hey razare whats up?

    Hey razare whats up?
  14. M


    Oh, 50% of the INFJs that voted in that poll say they are more jealous than other types. Statistics speak, I will become a hater of my own kind.:m144:
  15. M


    I have a hard time accepting the feeling jelalousy. When someone close to me express it i can get really angry inside. What makes me angry is when the person expressing it is ungreatful to what he or she has or when he or she cant indulge the other person to have it good (when they express that...