Recent content by musttry

  1. musttry

    Post your Enneagram

    Type 5 - 8.3 Type 3 - 8.3 Type 2 - 8.3 Type 4 - 6.7 Type 8 - 6 Type 1 - 4.7 I actually have no idea what this means. I've never gotten into the enneagram system.
  2. musttry

    What do you think of S-types?

    I realize that this is an analogy but, Von Hase, you're on! I haven't run any cross-country but I've done a 20K in 1:42. I think that a lot of Ns would benefit from physical activity to get them out of their egocentrical intuiting. Physical activity is a great way to connect to the world. In...
  3. musttry

    Check this out

    Check this out
  4. musttry

    Obama's visit to Turkey

    I feel you. Unfortunately, in these times, there are too many people on this planet with too many diverging interests. The best way to deal with it and avoid war, pain and heartache is through diplomacy.
  5. musttry

    Obama's visit to Turkey

    Taz, I totally agree with you, the States have much more to gain from a sustained relationship with Turkey given the state of their affairs in the Middle East. It's unfortunate for relations between the two countries as it will certainly add to the divide but the President has stated that he...
  6. musttry

    Obama's visit to Turkey

    Don't worry about it and don't be sad. Visits from the leader of any of the large economies to another country are usually full of meaning for the host country. On the one hand, it usually is an honour to receive these types of visits but as the OP state, sometimes clear political messages are...
  7. musttry

    Your Father

    I don't know if a "tower" of strength but my father is an extreme INTJ (extreme as in highly introverted to such a point that he has "people" phobia and highly T)
  8. musttry

    So, whadja do in Japan?

    So, whadja do in Japan?
  9. musttry

    Leadership Styles for INFJ

    I love to lead! As long as it's for a short period of time. I kinda also like to be in a position of power where leadership is bestowed upon me and I become the "benevolant boss".
  10. musttry

    What are the causes of sexual attraction?

    I don’t really see this in my world. People are mixing it up like crazy as far as I can tell. In fact, personally, I’m much less likely to be attracted to a girl from my own race. Not that I don’t like them, it’s just that when I’m standing in a room full of people I tend to gloss over those of...
  11. musttry

    Which MBTI type are you drawn to?

    This test is also broken! Actualized type: ENFJ (who you are) Extroverted (E) 53.33% Introverted (I) 46.67% Intuitive (N) 64% Sensing (S) 36% Feeling (F) 59.46% Thinking (T) 40.54% Judging (J) 51.61% Perceiving (P) 48.39%...
  12. musttry


    Well, I was a born again evangelical Christian, raised baptist and salvationist. Then I left. I am now interested in Budhism and Quakerism.
  13. musttry

    What religion do your personal beliefs resemble?

    1. Unitarian Universalism (100%) 2. Liberal Quakers - Religious Society of Friends (95%) 3. Jainism (89%) 4. Reform Judaism (89%) 5. Bahai (82%) 6. Mahayana Buddhism (79%) 7. Sikhism (74%) 8...
  14. musttry

    what do guys like?

    Perhaps it is fuzzy but I think uberrogo has a point. In my line of work, all we do is try to figure out what consumers want and it is usually expressed by measures of appreciation for something or intentions of buying. Therefore, it is as close as you can get to “agreeing”. I agree...
  15. musttry

    what do guys like?

    I gotta disagree with you KingOfSpades, I connect just fine with other humans. Even if there were no media, there would still be expectations placed on you and people have and will always make judgements. Media is simply the massification of these judgements to a wider public. The advantage is...