i relate to it a lot. I am moving today. going to be getting ready soon. i don't think i will be online much this weekend. The library in Charles City is closed on sundays. :/
I was reading Please Understand Me II on the idealists and some of the things were really hitting home with me. I tried INTP on and I am just not as interested in logical pursuits like some. I mean, I have a logical mind and I think of things in that way a lot of the time, but I think I also...
At least you can recognize that you aren't ready for a child yet, that is a good thing.
Yea, living fully in the present (reality) has been extremely difficult for me. I have a really hard time giving my full attention to reality in general, my head is always in the future or in an alternate...
Love massive attack! The first song was really interesting, thanks! I will look for you again on messenger. I haven't been around on the forums much lately, I need to catch up on your blog.