Recent content by niar

  1. niar

    Mistype Investigator Cognitive Functions Test

    You're in your discord mod era
  2. niar

    Mistype Investigator Cognitive Functions Test Same old.
  3. niar

    Mistype Investigator Cognitive Functions Test

    Those were my almost exact thoughts looking at your results. :laughing:
  4. niar

    Why is showing false kindness so draining?

    Politeness is not false empathy. We don't need to be sympathetic or pleasant or even like strangers or coworkers, we just have to be polite. I know where you're coming from, because there's this cultish corporate mentality that your colleages are ''your family''. It often creates emotional...
  5. niar

    [PAX] The Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

    The last stronghold of our democracy is the courts. Thankfully many dems (mostly progs) worked hard to pack them with non extremist judges. But the SC is still Trump's Elon's bitch.
  6. niar

    What Are You Listening To Right Now (Part 15)

    My favorite TV on the radio track 😆
  7. niar

    What Are You Listening To Right Now (Part 15)

    Arcade Fire - Sprawl II (Soulwax Remix)
  8. niar

    Trump will win again

    Are there statistic about gamblers betting on the option they think will make them the most money correlating to being more likely to actually vote?
  9. niar

    Trump will win again

    Watch the ''stop the steal'' gang use the discrepancy between polls and results to support their treasonous claims.
  10. niar

    Last film you watched, Part 2

    Possession 1981 Sam Neill is mostly known for Jurassic Park, but to me he's that guy who's in a bunch of weird satanic 80s movies. This is probably the weirdest. I really enjoy this type of analog horror because it's physical and tactile without going down the usual path of a creature feature.
  11. niar

    What flower grows inside you?

    Dahlia The Victorians used the Dahlia to signify a lasting bond and commitment between two people, but modern flower lovers can also buy a potted plant as a celebration of joining a new religion or trying a new healthy habit. Dahlia is often considered a birth flower for August, but some...
  12. niar

    Trump will win again

    It's also pretty extreme, not to mention bizarre, to get so worked up over a foreign country's micropolitics.
  13. niar

    Trump will win again

    Speaking of, JD thinks Haitians come from Haysha :tearsofjoy:
  14. niar

    Trump will win again

    That's not a result of these people being harrassed and racist fucks reporting their neighbors just for being black/haitian. No way.