Recent content by NiennaLadyOfTears

  1. NiennaLadyOfTears

    INFJ and Autism

    On Autism and Empathy:
  2. NiennaLadyOfTears

    Conversations with the devoutly religious

    Yep. Extremists. I was raised like this (down to the long hair, long skirt, rock music is evil, etc.... heh I'm goth now...), and actually it's likely that her marriage will be at least semi-arranged. By semi, meaning, they pick out her husband and just don't tell her until she at least knows...
  3. NiennaLadyOfTears

    INFJ and Autism

    This. I tend to be very much a stickler for the social norms and morality. I tend to believe the best in people no matter what, to the point where I can't really understand how anyone can't hold to the same standards of behavior. However I can also be very empathetic, but not know how to...
  4. NiennaLadyOfTears

    The Hobbit: Official thread - book and film

    I'm afraid that the movie won't even be recognizable as the book. I'm boycotting it because they have changed too much, such as adding a major female character that was never there probably to be a love interest of a certain young elf that was also never in that book. As far as the second...
  5. NiennaLadyOfTears

    Gender Dysphoria

    Honestly I wish that the stereotype wasn't so pushed, especially for men. I think there's a difference between being transsexual and just "not fitting the mold." It's okay, I don't fit the mold either for my gender, in pretty much any way. I found a man who didn't fit the mold for his gender...
  6. NiennaLadyOfTears

    Intelligences you have vs. those you want to develop

    Your top three intelligences: Intelligence Score (5.0 is highest) Description...
  7. NiennaLadyOfTears

    What color girl are you?

    You Are A Green Girl You feel most at home in a world of ideas. You're curious and logical - and enjoy a good intellectual challenge. You're super cool, calm, and collected. Very little tries your patience. Your only fear? People not realizing how smart and able you are! Actually there were...
  8. NiennaLadyOfTears

    Are you single??? or not???

    I'm married, have been for two years and been with my husband for seven years.
  9. NiennaLadyOfTears

    Intuitives need not apply

    I would SO interview that! But yeah, they don't even bother reading cover letters anymore. My college resume class told us that oftentimes they throw OUT resumes with cover letters nowadays, so it's better not to even have one. The person with the most experience gets the job (unless they go in...
  10. NiennaLadyOfTears

    What IQ differences really mean

    No, it's more that they're speed tests more than anything else. If done at the speed they are supposed to be done at, I score around 75-80. If given a chance to actually work through the problems and given even just one additional hour that gets bumped up to about 130. I have a processing...
  11. NiennaLadyOfTears

    What IQ differences really mean

    IQ tests are either flawed or I come across as more intelligent than I really am. I consistently score around 75-80.
  12. NiennaLadyOfTears

    Does "race" exist?

    I believe in only one race. Human. However there are different cultures, and there are pros and cons to each culture. I would say that there is no culture that is better than another culture.
  13. NiennaLadyOfTears

    INFJ and INFP

    Both my husband and my best friend type as INFPs. My best friend is really more of an INFx however.
  14. NiennaLadyOfTears

    Personality Defect Test

    Emo Kid.