Recent content by Nighthawk

  1. Nighthawk

    Inspired by Nighthawk to write

    Her man most certainly does share the same inspiration. Rogue is the sweetest and most wonderful woman I have ever had the honor of meeting. Romance is not overrated ... it is a very wonderful thing.
  2. Nighthawk

    INFJ's and Leadership.

    I'm not an INFJ, but I have a similar aversion towards taking on leadership roles ... although I did so a lot in the past in my military days. Maybe some of my insights might help. I assessed the situation and the people involved. I was fairly good at reading personalities and discerning...
  3. Nighthawk

    Women in direct combat

    Hmmmmm ... when did this happen? I'm still pretty close to the armor community and hadn't heard of this. Just curious. I agree that tanks are a high priority target. So are soft skinned vehicles in supply convoys. They have much less protection and are a favorite target for insurgents...
  4. Nighthawk

    Women in direct combat

    When I served in the Army (quite some time ago), they also had differing physical fitness requirements for the men versus the women. However, the requirements for the specific branches (infantry, armor, etc.) ... as well as the combat schools (paratrooper, ranger, etc.) all had a rigid...
  5. Nighthawk

    Women in direct combat

    Well, in speaking with some of my acquaintances still in uniform ... they are pretty short on manpower. Soldiers are getting burnt out from so many back-to-back deployments to war zones without much down time. It's placing a huge strain on them and their families. Of course, if this were a...
  6. Nighthawk

    Women in direct combat

    I've served with some who were badasses and definitely could perform in combat ... particularly the pilots. I feel that if they meet the requirements and have the desire to serve, they should be afforded the opportunity. I also served with some who used their gender to get out of doing things...
  7. Nighthawk


    I'm pretty partial to avocados, oysters, sushi/sashimi, smoked salmon and most of the fruits. Sometimes raw can be delicious.
  8. Nighthawk

    How do you measure success?

    Yes, mostly emptiness with each pay raise. I'm glad to be able to afford things, but there is little satisfaction in the dollar amount ... and life quickly fills to consume it. I've translated a couple of books and written some articles for journals ... and I get more satisfaction from seeing...
  9. Nighthawk

    How do you measure success?

    Sadly, I've come to equate income with my measure of success. This has twisted my view of life. Others have told me that I have had a successful life, but because I'm not rich, I have problems believing it. I need to find a different measuring stick, but old habits die hard.
  10. Nighthawk

    Fear of failure?

    I do fear failure. I've read it is a typical NT emotion as we value competence quite highly. It's no so strong to paralyze me from trying to accomplish things however ... at least in the intellectual realm. I don't do so well in the relationship realm however, so fear of failure there is...
  11. Nighthawk

    What Type Do You WISH You Were?

    I voted ENTJ. I'm happy being an NT, but I would like to be more extraverted and more structured, with better follow through. I've tried to cultivate these qualities in the past, but they are rather difficult for me to attain. I tend to slip back into my usual perferences ... especially...
  12. Nighthawk

    What is emotional maturity?

    For me, emotional maturity came when I could down two pitchers of beer and still realize that every woman in the room was not attracted to me. Still more emotional maturity when I hit the point where I could still discern those I was not attracted to. This hit sometime in my 30's. In all...
  13. Nighthawk

    Ever notice a repetitive pattern in your life?

    Thank you ... she's a rare jewel. She calls me on my crap and makes me introspect a lot. I've grown a lot as a person through her. She's a great mindmate for an NT ... always something deep, new, and interesting. I get the feeling that she is with me because she wants to be, rather than...