Recent content by Nikolai80

  1. Nikolai80

    To be alone but never feel lonely is a powerful position to be in🦋

    Question Wyote, So i see the member blogs in the lounge secrion in the community section. Is that the place to post philosphy etc?
  2. Nikolai80

    To be alone but never feel lonely is a powerful position to be in🦋

    But how do i put all i want to write in the Thank you for your comment. Perhaps i misused this site... Indeed, im not here to start discussions and arguments. I try to share what i got to know what helped me that could perhaps other people😁
  3. Nikolai80

    To be alone but never feel lonely is a powerful position to be in🦋

    Sorry brother.. Perhaps i have not the right clue how to use threads hahaha.... I thought i could just post some philosophy in the philosophy group... My intention is also to help people benefit for themselves with what i say.. All my philosophy i use myself thats why i know it works for...
  4. Nikolai80

    To be alone but never feel lonely is a powerful position to be in🦋

    I sometimes see introversion as a super power. (I embrace totally who i am.... Im happy to be who i am... I love myself unconditionally...) As an infj 5w4 i need much time alone and i truly love my time alone🥰 Time to investigate, think, write, make plans for the future etc without being...
  5. Nikolai80

    Experiencing innerpeace,joy and love protects you....

    When you feel good, joyful and full of love its like a shield which protects you from " darkness" Joy and love is light.. And it feels amazing.. And it protects you more from all " darkness" you encounter. When you feel joyful and love you bother less about negativity of other people.. You...
  6. Nikolai80

    Your personal path in life is to be found in.....🦋

    Your personal path in life is to be found inside your heart. Dont look at society. Dont look at other people.. Dont look outside of you, but look inside of you. Inside your heart, there where the love for is. love will guide you through life. Do what you love to do, concerning work related or...
  7. Nikolai80

    The happiness in your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts🦋 - Marcus Aurelius

    Well. IVe suffered a lot on life mentally and emotionally... When life went up and down, many times down my emotions went with it like a jojo... Nowadays it seems i found stability in instability. The beauty of life that i experience comes mostly from within now... THe lotus grow out of the mud...
  8. Nikolai80

    Forgiveness is for yourself. It brings you back to your natural origine state🦋

    I believe we are all lightbeings trapped in this body and in this material world. It prevents us to get back to the source we all came from and are part of. This source is good, its light, its love, its peace...and we are part of it. In our origine we are also good...we are light.... We all...
  9. Nikolai80

    Faith and belief without works is dead and meaningless🦋

    If i believe i love you, but i treat you poorly, what value does it have that i believe that i love you. Your works will show all who you follow. Do you follow Jesus? how can i tell? What are your works. Do you take similar steps as Jesus? Can i look at your behaviour and recognize Christ in...
  10. Nikolai80

    The happiness in your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts🦋 - Marcus Aurelius

    Well... I use it like this: I realize emotional discomfort and pain is a signal to get my attention to do something about a situation. Something has triggerd me to feel bad.. Something happened which i viewed negativily. I can try to change external what triggered it but if i can not then i try...
  11. Nikolai80


    The less you bother about things or people, the more peace you will experience inside. Its good to care about people and their well being, just dont bother about their negativity towards you. In the end innerpeace,joy and love brings a lot of quality in your life. I believe everyone would love...
  12. Nikolai80

    The "kingdom of God" emerges from within🦋

    The " kingdom of God" or any name you want to give it is here. Yet people dont see it or experience it. It is an experience. You experience the " kingdom of God", right here in all the mess of the world. Friedrich Nietsche once said: "Those that were seen dancing thought to be insane by those...
  13. Nikolai80

    The happiness in your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts🦋 - Marcus Aurelius

    Emotions/feelings like joy give quality to our lives.. (Offcourse when you have physical pain its hard or impossible to experience joy....) Those emotions and how you feel are being influenced by the thoughts you have... The thoughts you believe to be true has impact on your emotions. You can...
  14. Nikolai80

    We as a collective create the world we live in🦋

    As humanity we make mistakes and sometimes on purpose we do wrong or perhaps even horrible.things.. As an individual we make mistakes too. Sometimes we might misbehave or perhaps we have done even worse.... As i see it, we are not bad people.. We might do bad things sometimes, but we never...