Recent content by offtherim

  1. O

    The Difficulty of Being a Straight Male INFJ... and having to hide it from society

    First of all, I'd like to start by saying this: being an INFJ is exhausting. It's mentally taxing and never-ending. My mind is racing twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, no matter if I'm awake or if I'm sleeping. During the waking hours, I'm constantly thinking, obsessing, analyzing...
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    Straight INFJ Males

    I'm the new guy and I'm a straight male INFJ. I knew this was the rarest personality type, but I did not realize straight males were such a minority within this type either. Fascinating to me. I'll take that as a compliment. For as much sexism and hatred that still exists in the world, even...
  3. O

    [INFJ] How nostalgic are you?

    I don't know if I'm qualified to be nostalgic yet because of my youth, and I have to laugh when people my age remember the Good Old Days of 1999 and talk about it like our grandparents talk about World War II. However, if it's possible to be nostalgic at this age, I would say I am extremely...
  4. O

    I interact best with "weird" people.

    I think "weirdness" is one of the best traits a person can display. Being weird means you are not afraid to show the world that you are a different mold. Most importantly, being weird means you have the confidence to just be yourself in any and all situations. You do not wear a mask, you do not...