Recent content by OliOliOxenFree

  1. OliOliOxenFree

    Do you feel less or more attractive with age?

    For me, it all depends on what kind of person I want to attract. Personally, I like those who are emotionally stable, financially stable, healthy, and looking for something long term instead of a short term fling. In this sense, I feel I'm more attractive as I'm getting older and gaining...
  2. OliOliOxenFree

    What struggles do you face when trying to get to know someone?

    Ummmm...not quite sure where the joke was in that. Sorry!
  3. OliOliOxenFree

    What struggles do you face when trying to get to know someone?

    I think @HoneyBeeStings meant "cue" if I'm not mistaken?
  4. OliOliOxenFree

    What struggles do you face when trying to get to know someone?

    This this this and fuckingggg this. We honestly don't really care about what the conversation is as long as it isn't something you've told everyone else. It's not that we don't care about that stuff, but it's the fact that our connection with you feels so much more meaningful when you do share...
  5. OliOliOxenFree

    What struggles do you face when trying to get to know someone?

    I'm alllllll about that sweet and juicy one on one. Every time I have the opportunity to speak to someone I'm interested romantically I just start peppering them with questions. Some which can be extremely personal and they'll be taken aback by how forward and upfront I'm being. I think very...
  6. OliOliOxenFree

    What struggles do you face when trying to get to know someone?

    Yeah this is a bit of a problem for me too. One of the biggest assumptions people have with me is that I can seem snobbish, unapproachable, and extremely reserved/shy. When it comes to the dominating extrovert types in a group, I honestly don't mind if they're the "life of the party". People...
  7. OliOliOxenFree

    What struggles do you face when trying to get to know someone?

    I feel you completely. I usually am really nervous starting conversations, especially in groups cause I'm afraid I'll say the wrong thing. But I've found that the second someone gets me one on one and says ANYTHING, BAM, I don't shut up. I'm like a bee guarding my nest. Except the nest is my...
  8. OliOliOxenFree

    Why Would An INTP Stare Into An INFJ's Eyes?

    Aw c'mon, don't be jelly. We'll let you in on the fun :kissingheart:
  9. OliOliOxenFree

    Why Would An INTP Stare Into An INFJ's Eyes?

    I think it might be different for different people, but I'm currently seeing an INTP girl and she won't even dare look at me even when I ask her to. Some people can be extremely shy and not know the best way to express how they feel. I, myself, love staring into peoples eyes. I love the...
  10. OliOliOxenFree

    Why Would An INTP Stare Into An INFJ's Eyes?

    God I fucking love this comment. Like x10
  11. OliOliOxenFree

    LOL...ok...nevermind. Touche.

    LOL...ok...nevermind. Touche.
  12. OliOliOxenFree

    Where do you live? You should feel privileged haha

    Where do you live? You should feel privileged haha
  13. OliOliOxenFree

    Optimism is my drug...

    Optimism is my drug...
  14. OliOliOxenFree

    LOL now THAT would be even weirder...

    LOL now THAT would be even weirder...
  15. OliOliOxenFree

    ahaha My username is actually O-L-I cause my name is Oli. It was given to me as a nickname by...

    ahaha My username is actually O-L-I cause my name is Oli. It was given to me as a nickname by my ex-girlfriend. She just thought it was cute and it has no significance. I've been using it as a screen name ever since cause I haven't been bothered and am not smart/witty enough to change it.