Recent content by On my own path

  1. On my own path

    Study Confirms: Whatever Doesn't Kill Us Can Make Us Stronger

    Recently I have developed quite a deal of contempt for much of psychology and the other behavioral sciences for this very reason- they seem much to absolutist in their approach. Of course the other possibility as I see it is that the media delivers the "findings" of scientific studies in such a...
  2. On my own path

    Women in Male dominant fields: Your experience.

    In general, perhaps. But please do not forget that there are exceptions to these rules. While I do agree that in general it would be beneficial if accommodations are made for such individuals who prefer or have a proclivity for the mentioned type of learning style, I believe care should be...
  3. On my own path

    Are you easily distracted?

    I suppose that this rings a bit true for me as well. For example, if I start researching a topic of some sort and I notice another topic I may end up chasing down that topic. That pattern then tends to continue until I end up on something quite unrelated. For example I once started doing some...
  4. On my own path

    "Intimidating women . . ."

    Personally I do not view someone differently because of their sex or gender. I do not see how being intimidating can be considered a good thing in any circumstance other than when one's life is threatened. Being intimidating can prevent others from standing up to you when you are wrong or when...
  5. On my own path

    Who do you write like?

    I tested two forum posts and got Edgar Allan Poe
  6. On my own path

    Straight INFJ Males

    Likewise. I have more of a problem with someone misunderstanding who I am or trying to fit me into a "box" than someone referring to my traits in a pejorative manner
  7. On my own path

    Who do you write like?

    A pretty interesting test to determine which famous author(s) your writing style is similar to. The test is here: My Results: As many of us seem to possess an avid interest in the litarary arts, I am really curious to see what results are produced. I wonder if we would any...
  8. On my own path

    What Does Your Writing Style Show About Your MBTI Type

    An essay I wrote: Wow, INTP. Actually I am not too suprised. I suppose I do have a tendency to come across as an INTP through my writing. I also did age, web page categorisation and gender:
  9. On my own path

    The bystander effect

    I have a somewhat similar approach. I tend to disagree with many social "rules" as they violate my personal ethics and morals. I tend to constantly analyse what I see around me and try to be very self monitoring. After a while subverting or not conforming to social rules that you disagree with...
  10. On my own path

    Do people seem to like you for you or who they think you are?

    I can relate to this , especially the text I highlighted. Except the side I exhibit depends on the various circumstances. For example in the past, I think that sometimes I may have only shown people the "student" side of me. Sometimes I guess I was sort of ridiculous with regards to that. For...
  11. On my own path

    What does your handwriting say about you?

    Hmmm....interesting. This thread just reminded me of the graphology thread I made a while back
  12. On my own path

    Are you a hoarder or a thrower-away?

    +1 I can relate, sentimental value out weights monetary value, at least in my opinion. I would say that I am a bit of a hoarder. I tend to form emotional connections with inanimate objects. For example I am hesitant to discard of old pens. I tend to retain a connection with some of my writings...
  13. On my own path

    Comments on Gender

    +1000 I pretty much agree, especially with the highlighted portion. People are very complicated and are not the summation of the labels that can be placed upon them. We may never fully understand the nature of our minds. Science and statistics can grant us insights into what generally occurs...
  14. On my own path

    I need to hear from the females of this forum.

    While I do agree with you that the word "potential" has a lot of meaning, from what I can discern it was misused. Potential typically stipulates a capacity to do so, not just physical but psychological as well. A rapist is one who feels no empathy for their victim and feeds off of the...