Recent content by Onyrica

  1. Onyrica


    Only played Final Fantasy XI myself. And for some random reason, I still pay for it after having been offline for nearly half a year... You'd think I have money flowing out of my pockets. Which could be true, considering the rat-sized holes in them...
  2. Onyrica

    What about you does not fit nice and neatly into your mbti description?

    Quick, this one's an ENTP in disguise! Shoot 'em before they reproduce! D:
  3. Onyrica

    The "What Chakra Are You" Test

    The Visionary You have scored 100% Imagination - Your dominant Chakra is the "Third Eye or Indigo Chakra" The "Third Eye or Indigo Chakra" is where our intuitive and visionary energy comes from. It is located on one's forehead. And...
  4. Onyrica

    Your ISTJ experience!

    My partner is an ISTJ. And I'm afraid to talk because he lurks these forums! xD Nah, lets be fair. He's a brilliant person. Kind, caring, strong willed, strong headed, very set on his ideals and convictions, with high morals and beliefs that, however, don't discriminate anyone else's. He's...
  5. Onyrica

    INFJs Vs. ENTPs

    Not for you though! It's exclusive for the participants of the ENTP/INFJ war we just waged! :m179: (yes, I'm also going to reply and quote everything and everyone. I've got nothing better to do.)
  6. Onyrica

    INFJs Vs. ENTPs of the hippies...? You mean tight-arsed inquisition-esque bastards, no?! I lack in love and hippie-huggles! (Yes, I'm making this topic be as corny and cheesy as possible. To compensate, really~)
  7. Onyrica

    INFJs Vs. ENTPs

    Stop being a group-hugging hippie! ...I'm selfish, want the cuddles for myself D:
  8. Onyrica

    INFJs Vs. ENTPs

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Carry on little kid, carry on~ :m066: Edit: Just because I think it and I deem it appropiate to 'take action', I think you're a twat to say something like that about such a thing like depression in a forum full of INFJ people with moral problems. If you wanted to...
  9. Onyrica

    INFJs Vs. ENTPs

    In another time, in another thread, Shai Gar said: Lets just change the article for a masculine one and give it a merry-go-round this thread. Anyway, back to my Norris film~
  10. Onyrica

    INFJs Vs. ENTPs

    My statement, as said, was from my eyes, not the eyes of the whole INFJ pack. In my eyes, anyone who needs to show the world how great they are is a moron. I make this as a general statement regarding my thoughts on the whole of humanity, and not here, specifically. I have people around me who...
  11. Onyrica

    INFJs Vs. ENTPs

    But in your way of doing so, you're making it sound like you love yourself so much about this that it's a tad overbearing. So proud of making and waging war, of proving yourself the strongest of the pack, of sounding threatening... in my INFJ eyes, ridiculous. I, as do most INFJ's (or does most...
  12. Onyrica

    INFJs Vs. ENTPs

    What you fail to realize here is that by talking like you ENTP's have, proclaiming to the four winds how strong you are and how badly you'd break our kneecaps if we were front to front, you're already comparing your type to the INFJ's. I'm pretty sure that many of the INFJ's can do just about...
  13. Onyrica

    What is your REAL age?

    You are 42 years old!! oh yay...
  14. Onyrica


    So then, what is considered to be a transgendered woman or a transgendered man? A woman who doesn't cook, doesn't have children, sits on the couch and drinks beer while watching a rugby match? A man who preferes cooking, shopping, primping up and watches Eastenders? Pretty much, all of that...
  15. Onyrica

    Test your standards

    Someone of a different race? Yes Someone who was deaf? Yes (good chance to learn the language) Someone who was blind? Tough, but yes Someone who was missing a limb? Yes Someone with a facial deformity? Depends on the magnitude. Probably not, though~ Someone with an incurable STD? No Someone who...