
My real name is Marco Heuvelman~

uuuuuuuhm other than thaaat~ :D I don't know ask me :P

you know what's a GOOD IDEA, just read my posts~ then you probably have a much better idea of who I am :3 see, that's easy :D

I think I like people~ but who doooessn't (I knoooow but they might be in denial you know :P)
Jun 18, 1992 (Age: 32)
Uhm Born in Toyko? Half Japanese Half dutch? Currently living in the Netherlands~ Have lived in California for like 6 years~ uuuh~ and a lot more stuff but I don't know you can ask if you want :P
In descending order, which 6 things could you never do without?
uhm~ I uuh~ this is such a hard question!!! I can't think of aaanything~ But~ Let's say~~ uuhm

I need people~
And water
Food is nice as well....
uuhm~ interesting things happening around me?

okaay I knooow that the question expects different kinds of answers~ but :P ~ I don't really have things I really /neeeed/
What would be your epitaph?
I like making other people laugh :P sooo~hmmmmmm Wait... I need to think about this one~ BUT what I doo know is what kind of music I want to play on my funeral!! :o Like like "Burn baby burn" and hmm "I will survive!" and let's see ~ something really inappropriate~ I mean come ooon :P Why would I caaare, I would be dead! exactly~!~ and nobody would be able to get angry and frustrated because you simply no longer exist :P It's like one of your last chances to do something funny~ Anyways funerals shouldn't be sad and gloomy~ it should be a celebration that someone lived~
Type 9w8, yeaaa :3
I changed my life, a lot, so I thought it would be


grumgle grumble grumble....