Recent content by oswin

  1. oswin

    What type are your friends?

    out of curiosity, what are your friends' types? my two closest friends are INFP and ENFJ
  2. oswin

    N, F or J?

    NTP definitely
  3. oswin

    [INFJ] Morals ruining friendships?

    yeah, I've just been trying to decide if the ups and downs are just the normal ones that any relationship will have or if its something more. I'd been pretty draining for me so i'm seriously considering just drifting my way out of the friendship, and i guess if they really want to try to fix...
  4. oswin

    [INFJ] Morals ruining friendships?

    Well they did definitely change since the beginning of this friendship and that really isn't the only reason i'm hanging one. there's our ups and downs, in the ups i's great and every things working out fine and then the downs are the moments where i'm deciding whether or not i should spend my...
  5. oswin

    [INFJ] Morals ruining friendships?

    probably just because these people have helped me through situations and have made been really good at times, and i just keep thinking that maybe it'll go back to that instead of just being one sided.
  6. oswin

    [INFJ] Morals ruining friendships?

    This is how i feel about it. i feel like maybe one day i'll just accept the differences and so i won't have to end the friendship (i'm using friendship lightly here because what i'm considering a friendship here might be someone's definition of an acquaintance) I feel as though it's not a valid...
  7. oswin

    [INFJ] Morals ruining friendships?

    The morals have sometimes been religious morals, but not necessarily we just believe different things (because thats completely fine) it's more criticizing my beliefs. Also just how they treat others has really been off putting for me. This tends to happen with some newer friendships and not...
  8. oswin

    [INFJ] Morals ruining friendships?

    So i definitely would say i have very strong morals, and sometimes my friends will do something that i consider completely morally unacceptable and i try and get over it but it ends up almost getting in the way? and then sooner or later the friendship is just me trying extremely hard to keep it...