Recent content by PintoBean

  1. PintoBean

    A well deserved like!

    A well deserved like!
  2. PintoBean

    Thoughts from a broken glass shard

    Lovely writing! I remember once when I was a child having a friend over and we tried to warm frozen pizzas in the oven. I burned my arm horribly. No one was around but us, which was typical. This was part of a many years trend on my part of careless injury, which now in the wisdom of older age...
  3. PintoBean

    Thank you! I couldn’t find this place for the longest time! Glad to be back, though it seems...

    Thank you! I couldn’t find this place for the longest time! Glad to be back, though it seems some oldies are missing.
  4. PintoBean

    Do we just let them do something terrible, or do we try and stop them?

    I feel like I need more context to answer this. EDIT: read your follow-up posts. I think the suicide thing is not as easy a call as people sometimes think. Obviously, if it’s too ambiguous, by all means alert authorities. If it’s someone you know we’ll just venting, expressing ideation without...
  5. PintoBean


  6. PintoBean

    Dealing with loss and death

    Thanks @aeon. I appreciate it. A lot of people don't understand the loss of self in family caregiving. I got really bogged down in it for while, but now essentially have people hired for most things. I have shed most of the guilt associated with it, but the whole thing makes me sad.
  7. PintoBean

    Dealing with loss and death

    I have been losing my mother slowly to early onset dementia for a while now. It was kind of worsened and revealed earlier than it would have been by a frontal lobe tumor (I think I talk about this in my blog), but slow loss of her mental faculties persist consistently with progressive dementia...
  8. PintoBean

    Dealing with loss and death

    @Kgal my greatest condolences. Though my father is frail and deals with multiple conditions including total blindness, he's my greatest friend in life, biggest supporter, a well of kindness. It sounds as if you loved yours so much as well. I dread the day of his passing. I fear more that he will...
  9. PintoBean

    Dealing with loss and death

    I had trouble hitting the "like" icon on this post because of the losses expressed. Both my parents have neuro diseases and the process has been long and devastating. Not to mention, the shadow of inheriting hangs over me as well. I also find that the passing of two little dogs, one in 2015 the...
  10. PintoBean

    5 Senses

    I love the smell of damp grass and earth, but I hate the smell of Bath and Body Works scents. I love the site of trailing greens and honeysuckle blossoms on a country roadside, but I hate the site of strewn trash. I love the feel of clean, cotton shots, but I hate the feel of wool against my...
  11. PintoBean

    It's been many moons. I hope you are doing OK. I miss seeing your postings here. Best, Pinto.

    It's been many moons. I hope you are doing OK. I miss seeing your postings here. Best, Pinto.
  12. PintoBean

    Millenials! Are They (we) That Bad?

    Haha, my 67 year old mother with Alzheimer's can also do that.
  13. PintoBean

    Matt Lauer Fired From NBC.

    Do you mean that we should count on sex predators to hold themselves accountable?
  14. PintoBean

    Matt Lauer Fired From NBC.

    Honestly I don't understand your post. Are you saying because it involves "people in power" it is not culturally relevant to us hoipolloi? "'Threats' of the white man" in Hollywood really kicked off with Bill Cosby's long and history of drugging and raping women. You could say he was a real...