Recent content by Poetic Justice

  1. Poetic Justice

    Answer With A Question! (Part 7)

    isn't it obvious anyway?
  2. Poetic Justice

    Kill the poster above you

    we have free will to choose whatever we desire... but... we don't choose our desires so what is free will? In the wings tries to reconcile these things which causes her head to explode
  3. Poetic Justice

    Book Suggestions

    anything and everything by alastair reynolds. Start with revelation space and work your way through them hands down the best sci fi writer. Period he will totally change your view of what the future will be like
  4. Poetic Justice

    Corrupt the Quote Above You

    I think somebody should call the police
  5. Poetic Justice

    How Should You Change The World?

    yes I could quite happily tick every single option in that test. Kinda lame really. Sorry
  6. Poetic Justice

    How Should You Change The World?

    helping others You can truly be there for another person. When you care, you are incredibly giving and compassionate. You're incredibly thoughtful and able to give people what they need most. Generosity simply makes you feel good. You are willing to be a voice for those who don't have one. You...
  7. Poetic Justice

    Corrupt the Quote Above You

    yes that's right. Simple enough
  8. Poetic Justice

    Hard Work Vs Talent?

    hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard
  9. Poetic Justice

    Hard Work Vs Talent?

    again I think it depends on too many different factors the reason some people have natural talent may be that they accidentally stumbled across an effective technique early on and just stuck with it. Ultimately, their long term potential may be no different from anyone else who learns the technique
  10. Poetic Justice

    Answer With A Question! (Part 7)

    why would you want to circumvent your holes?
  11. Poetic Justice

    simulation theory

    Im not sure what you are saying here. what is this universe of functions that are non computer youre talking about? The laws of logic are hopelessly flawed and the copenhagen interpretation is also wrong or incomplete. I think both of these things are true so I dont see a problem here Youre...
  12. Poetic Justice

    Predeterminism Or Free Will?

    I'm not saying consciousness has no say at all. Of course it does. I'm saying it has far, far less say than 99% of people think. If our brains were a business, consciousness would not be the chief executive. It would be a consultant hired out from time to time. The vast majority of goings on...
  13. Poetic Justice

    Predeterminism Or Free Will?

    We have two modes of thinking. Fast and slow. Fast is the automatic responses to stimuli. Intuition, muscle memory etc. Slow is the the voice in your head. The bit you think of as you. The main purpose of slow is to explain things rationally. Slow takes far too long to make most decisions and...