Recent content by PSchickadee

  1. PSchickadee

    When you cook a potato...

    Interesting question philosophically. Seemingly no answer can be "correct" as all these are personal potato truths. :) Perhaps when the potato becomes part of a greater purpose, in becoming a "meal", or "sustenance"... It gives up itself to the greater good, and is no longer an individual, but...
  2. PSchickadee

    Would you kill a puppy for $1000000?

    Definitely. I've killed rabbits I raised to eat them, I could definitely kill a puppy for that kind of money. Cute shouldn't carry so much weight in this world... Looks are quite a bit overrated. Does the puppy have a good personality? Probably not as much yet, since it's just a puppy...
  3. PSchickadee

    Skarekrow's Musical Advice

    Lol, that is chickeny, yes... And it was intentional, partly because I wanted to see if you'd post the Cibo Matto song "Know Your Chicken" because the video is great... Having trouble linking it though, on my Nexus... Little help, maestro? :-)
  4. PSchickadee

    Skarekrow's Musical Advice

    What happens if you don't know your chicken?
  5. PSchickadee

    The dragon's awake! :)

    The dragon's awake! :)
  6. PSchickadee

    That is to say, I was reading a thread about religion and you make some interesting points.

    That is to say, I was reading a thread about religion and you make some interesting points.
  7. PSchickadee

    Hello. :)

    Hello. :)
  8. PSchickadee

    Hey Mr. Ben. :)

    Hey Mr. Ben. :)
  9. PSchickadee

    How does one find a way to "love" oneself.

    I have also heard that, but it always sounds selfish... I think you should like yourself alright, but I prefer to only have love for one other person, and feel it means more like "be the best you can and have some self esteem" kinda thing. Ya know? I think you're totally normal, Eventhorizon. :)
  10. PSchickadee

    Times like this are what the fb "poke"was probably originally meant for... Until it got...

    Times like this are what the fb "poke"was probably originally meant for... Until it got misappropriated by perverts. :P Just saying "Hi!" and hope you're doing famously. :-)
  11. PSchickadee

    [PUG] DRUG TEST all college students, unemployment beneficiaries, public school children!!!

    I read several pages. :) Some jobs definitely need drug testing. EMS, most health care jobs, machinery, etc. Fair or not, is there going to be legislation reducing the reach of drug testing? Probably not, though the drugs tested for may not presently be fair, testing itself is a reality for...
  12. PSchickadee

    [PUG] DRUG TEST all college students, unemployment beneficiaries, public school children!!!

    Agreed. To get back on track, someone also made a good point that you must be drug tested for work, so why not for welfare? Both are choices or directly related to choices already made, so why is that unfair?
  13. PSchickadee

    [PUG] DRUG TEST all college students, unemployment beneficiaries, public school children!!!

    Besides, child services visited them MULTIPLE times over the years without removing the kids. As I recall, a teacher reported them. Once when one of the girls had a broken leg, but that was from an actual accident. The mother was abused by the boyfriend, but the kids never were, to my...
  14. PSchickadee

    [PUG] DRUG TEST all college students, unemployment beneficiaries, public school children!!!

    Somehow it always seemed better for the kids to keep the mother in the picture since it allowed grandma to basically raise them and take them to church. The extended family isn't all screwed up, just the mother. Relying on reporting parties isn't the best method either, nor are home...
  15. PSchickadee

    [INFJ] Tri-type is Nonsense

    Ambidexterity, ftw! And as people change, so too could their types.