Recent content by Quinlan

  1. Quinlan

    The Obesity Epidemic and The Food Revolution

    I'm normal weight and I think the obesity epidemic is overblown and that Jamie Oliver is a hypocritical scaremongering douchebag. Don't get me wrong I know lifestyle changes (especially the reduction of sugar and wheat) will help a lot of people get healthier and lose a bit of weight but...
  2. Quinlan

    Weight Stereotyping

    I think the cultural change over the last 100 years is quite astounding and most definitely media driven and almost certainly intentional (as in people are making a lot of money out of weight bias so they perpetuate it). The media do a very poor job of reporting the science of body weight and...
  3. Quinlan

    Are you thin?

    You're not so weird: PALEO DIET
  4. Quinlan

    Are you thin?

    I'm on the fat end of normal (according to BMI), I'm sedentary and would never count calories, at the moment my diet is maybe a bit weird, the average day is wheat free cereal with proper milk and sugar for breakfast. Nuts, Corn chips and pastrami for lunch and just an averagely average meal for...
  5. Quinlan

    Why the Poor are FAT

    I suppose the crux of the issue is where does energy partitioning (the sorting into fat or fuel) occur? Those that say it's only a matter of will power believe it occurs in the concious mind. Perhaps it actually occurs as hypothalamus? Or maybe like Taubes says, at the cellular level?
  6. Quinlan

    Why the Poor are FAT

    There is definitely a genetic element, children who are adopted almost always resemble the size of their biological parents rather than their adoptive parents. So whatever environmental influence that cause obesity, it must be extremely pervasive for thin parents of adoptees to have no effect...
  7. Quinlan

    Why the Poor are FAT

    i think people just get tired of the endless quoting of the laws of thermodynamics/CICO when all it really explains is the How and the What, not the Why. Why do people get/stay fat? Because they overeat/under exercise Why do some people overeat untill the reach an equilibrium higher than...
  8. Quinlan

    Why the Poor are FAT

    Genetics, in utero environment and stress would be my big three. Also another one is simply discrimination, two equal workers, one fat and the other slim, the slim one will be promoted.
  9. Quinlan

    The Hobbit: Official thread - book and film

    Dwarves. :)
  10. Quinlan

    [PUG] Why the bias?

    I'm an ISFP who used to think he was INFJ so I know a lot about this topic, wait, what was the topic again?
  11. Quinlan

    The "Sissy Boy" Experiment

    I totally understand why they thought it was ok though, if this was done to cure a fat kid (maybe not the beating part) people would be praising it.
  12. Quinlan

    The "Sissy Boy" Experiment

    My brother used to play with dolls all the time when he was little, he's grown up now and is about as straight and as masculine as you can get.
  13. Quinlan

    Would you date someone better looking than you?

    "Better looking" is subjective.
  14. Quinlan

    Valid cristism of MBTI or not?

    Introverts and extraverts should fall along a single bell curve, because we are all (at least most of us) both introverted and extraverted. The INFJ is an introverted intuitor AND an extraverted feeler, the ISFP is an introverted feeler AND an extraverted perceiver. So any test/analysis that...
  15. Quinlan

    The 'Evil' Function

    Well when you're talking about functions in isolation it's always an abstraction, no one really uses the functions in isolation the different functions have a moderating effect on each other of course. When you really think about it all of the functions in isolation are "evil", it's the...