Recent content by rainrise

  1. rainrise

    Why is showing false kindness so draining?

    Oh no I quoted the wrong poster. Double wow whammy oops.
  2. rainrise

    Why is showing false kindness so draining?

    Wow I'm sorry for the typos, I tend to press send and forget autospell tends to change my sentences into something more interesting than intended. I went back to edit but can't even remember what the original sentence was supposed to be...also I can't find the edit button...oh well ❤️‍🩹
  3. rainrise

    Dealing with bullies

    Hey moonsea thanks for the thread like 🙏. Sorry I missed your post.
  4. rainrise

    Why is showing false kindness so draining?

    Hi, I was going to put these thoughts in bother thread on Ne vs Se and Ne and even Si but I can elaborate here. It’s so draining because it’s not genuine. As Ni dominants we care about truth and large part of that is staying true to ourselves, they say the personal is political. The world as is...
  5. rainrise

    Dealing with bullies

    Lol yah it's 👻 🎃 tine and the Samhain
  6. rainrise

    Dealing with bullies

    Ainslie MacLeod's young soul world 🌎 kind of is how I interpret this when I'm out of sorts for understanding
  7. rainrise

    Dealing with bullies

    Hey Guys thanks for your responses, sorry I'm late replying. I am a piano teacher, and though I rarely wish to resort to smashing out a Chopin ocean etude or the coda of ballade one hehenhem...I don't look as classically bitchesque nor bifsteakesque as the average folk may want to imagine a...
  8. rainrise

    Dealing with bullies

    What are strategies you all use for dealing with particularly STJs. (sorry I don’t mean to single out STJs, it’s just the majority of times I have trouble with those who I feel confident are if this type) who seriously believe in social hierarchy and set out to one up you at the get go and...
  9. rainrise

    Maurizio Pollini definitely INTP?

    Maybe the list needs time to brew, in brief though: A picture can indeed be a thousand words if you go beyond the superficial image into the archetypal. Rubinstein seems like a closeted or mistyped ENXP who has introverted himself given his work as a pianist, pianists spending much time alone...
  10. rainrise

    Maurizio Pollini definitely INTP?

    Maurizio Pollini just passed away today, great pianist. I admire his Chopin renditions. Someone tell me what I want to hear...that he definitely was an INTP type? Why did the only source say he must be ISF? It cannot be truly can it?
  11. rainrise

    Hey aeon I remember you I think :)

    Hey aeon I remember you I think :)
  12. rainrise

    Anyone doing cultural anthropology here?

    Yes, that really does help. That is a really considerate and thorough breakdown of everything billowing in my head. Your post is very grounding and a sound reality check. What I resonate with entirely is your emphasis on the journey of process over product or the degree itself. I think that...
  13. rainrise

    Anyone doing cultural anthropology here?

    Yes, all of what you wrote I feel part and parcel of my own experience emotionally - well it was difficult and made me question myself multiple times as well. Though it was rewarding sometimes and also at the end or maybe much of that was really a fair bit of relief. I find much joy in the field...
  14. rainrise

    Anyone doing cultural anthropology here?

    Hi all, just wondering whether anyone is doing a graduate degree in cultural anthropology - if so, what has been your experience and would you recommend it to a fellow INFJ? I'm in a bit of a rut having finished my masters degree and feeling a pull to continue on to a PhD and knowing how...
  15. rainrise

    a beautiful stream - it looks almost like mist. thank you for sharing!

    a beautiful stream - it looks almost like mist. thank you for sharing!