Recent content by randomsomeone

  1. R

    The stability of your sense of self.

    I went "off the grid" many years ago when I found other anchors for my sense of self that provide stability. Others see a part of me, and this can modulate depending on the situation or need of the moment, but my deepest self does not remains firmly rooted in things more...
  2. R


    For me one of the biggest things has to do with understanding life based on super-abundance and fullness rather than life based on lack and scarcity. The implications of this shift have a long, long reach on one's emotions, general outlook, and approach to the world we live in.
  3. R

    Stone Henge.

    It may be possible but that kinda depends on what you want to do with it. These sites always remind me of the interior questioning, searching, and awarenesses that existed for the ancients and still exist in people today, in spite of the technological and cultural veneers that may significantly...
  4. R

    A life forever?

    There is no way to ever know everything....can't happen. No matter what we know there will always be other mysteries beyond our grasp, nevermind that knowing itself has many dimensions. We can know some things though, at least in part. Reality can be heavily influenced by our subjectivity...
  5. R


    Hmmm....I tend to live this way. Have for a long time. I like it.
  6. R

    The purpose of Jesus and other religious figures

    Aside from those who distort religion, this idea is really spot on. Connection to the Divine enlightens, empowers, lends perspective to life right now.
  7. R

    The purpose of Jesus and other religious figures

    From what I can tell, the basic Jesus story was the source of a lot of head-scratching (in varying degrees) for the first three or four centuries of Christianity. In other words, a good many of the events that actually happened were a bit surprising and certainly unpredicted at the time. They...
  8. R

    The purpose of Jesus and other religious figures

    It is an interesting inquiry, for sure. For me, after decades studying the ancient sources and surrounding historical circumstances and influences, I find that the stories in large part do originate from actual occurances that really happened. If one is to make an inquiry, and if one is to be...
  9. R

    The Being Outside of Myself

    I think the personal self, while of great worth and giftedness, is not all there is to life. Why? Because the reality is that we were made for connection to God, to the Divine Life, to the Creator...and thereby to all that is. Our egos and our minds tend to dislike this prospect, but once one...
  10. R

    The purpose of Jesus and other religious figures

    Jesus' life shows us what life is like then one who is human lives in connection with divinity. It is fine to reflect on his humanity, but it is difficult to do so in a realistic fashion without at least acknowledging his uniqueness, his divinity. He came to pull the veil back on something we...
  11. R

    The 3 Ethics: Where do you fall?

    To me this makes sense....but the description that followed was way off this mark. Explain.
  12. R

    Whatever happened to Christian fiction?

    btw, for those who admire creativity, art, and narrative with strong Christian relevance, did you see the link for film "The Secret of Kells" in different thread? It's now on YouTube. A far more relelvant film that many could even imagine, imo.
  13. R

    Whatever happened to Christian fiction?

    I myself am a huge fan of Christian non-fiction of the critical-historical type and, if only because of this and propelled by this, am also a fan of Christian creativity (literary or otherwise)...primarily when it is rooted/grounded authentically in the principles and traditions that emerge from...
  14. R

    What is God?

    I agree. We do have a subjective experience of love, sure, but love also transcends this by a large margin and exists (most powerfully) in and of itself. In this case, love can express itself in a knowing, interactive, personal manner that far, far exceeds human knowing or understanding. This...
  15. R

    Scientists say that Religion and Science can coexist

    I have no problem with this idea at all. The two disciplines approach the search for understanding from different perspectives and there is ample room to meet in the middle. Still the specific process-boundaries unique to each discipline (science and theology) must be maintained, and generally...